Chapter 18

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I found out that (y/n)'s birthday was rather near.

While she was still asleep, Dylan approached me and asked, "Hey, Matt. Have a gift for sis?".

"Well, no. Not yet. But I have an idea." I whispered my idea into his ear.

He gasped and jaw dropped.

He nodded and smiled.

"Sure! I'll help you! There's a shop for it nearby!" He told me as we both ran out the house.


I woke up and I saw Matt wasn't beside me.

So I just went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Morning sweetie!" Mom greeted me from the kitchen.

"Morning, Mom. Where's Matt?" I asked her.

"Oh, I saw him run out of the house with Dylan." she answered.

"Where did they go?" I asked as I sat on a chair in the dining room and tapped my fingers on the table.

"No idea. They just dashed away." Mom answered.

I wondered where they hay the two went.

"What are you cooking?" I asked Mom.

"Want some bacon and eggs?" she asked me.

"Oh boy do I!" I happily said.

She laughed at me.


While I was using my laptop in my room, I heard the front door open.

"Where did you two boys go to?" I heard my mom ask.

"We just bought some...uhh...donuts for us." Dylan said from the living room.

Then I heard footsteps fade.

I ignored everything and continued using my laptop.

"Hello there, (y/n)!" Matt greeted me as I barged in my room.

I gave a little yelp.

Matt laughed at me.

"Matt, don't scare me like that!" I scolded him.

"Sorry." He apologized as he kissed me on my lips.

He moved his hand up and down on my hair and asked: "What are you doing?".

"Just watching Markiplier play co-op with Jacksepticeye." I answered without looking at him.

"Who?" Matt asked.

I turned to him and said: "You should search the internet more...".

He gave me his 'seriously?' face at me.

"Their both famous people who play games and share them on the internet." I explained.

"What are their real names?" Matt asked.

"Mark Edward Fischbach and Sean William Mclaughlin." I answered as I turned back to watching the 2 video gamers.

Matt laid down next to me and twirled my hair.

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