Ch. 1

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"P.E.L was supposed to drive the bus!"

P.E.L was nagging over and over again about which robot should drive the bus. Tsukikage only beeped in annoyance. Kaz and Diego was fast asleep, Myron was checking some information in his laptop, Fiona was playing with Toto and Shiro was gazing out of the bus. Fiona then went beside Myron and asked, "Any clue about the... what was it called again?" Myron sighed, and answered, "It's called the Yandu. The Scan2go Masters Council named them like that. And, yes. I got a few traces of them in some planet. They were said to be terrorizing the planet with... magic."

"Did you guys see that?"

Fiona turned to Shiro. "See what?" she asked. Shiro pointed out to the space. "There. A... spaceship. Can't you see it?" "All I could see is stars," said the suddenly awake Kaz. Fiona and Myron nodded in agreement. Shiro stared at them, dumbfounded, but then stared back into the space. "I think Shiro is troubled," Fiona whispered to her friends. They gathered around Diego, who was awake now. Myron nodded. "You're right. Ever since we got the message about the Yandus, he became even more depressed. Like, he knew something about them," he said. Kaz rubbed his chin.

Tsukikage beeped, telling them that they had arrived in Goorau. Kaz was the first to come out and he stretched his arms. "Man, I missed this planet so much!" Kaz said. Fiona came out then, followed by Diego and Myron. Lastly, Shiro came out. Kaz noticed then look of worry on Shiro's face and went beside him. "Shiro, what's wrong?" he asked but the blond kept quiet. Kaz frowned. He had never saw Shiro this worried. Suddenly, Hebina appeared. "Oh! Hello guys. So you guys were invited too," she said. Fiona crossed her arms and answered, "Of course we were invited. Who won't invite the winning team of Goorau's graduation race?"

The girls start fighting while walking to the academy. When they arrived, everyone was there, including Zero! Kaz was so excited that he crashed into Ryu. He was about to apologize when he saw Ryu's bandages over his arm. "What's with your arm, Ryu?" Kaz asked. Ryu hesitated, while Jack asked, "You guys haven't heard?" The Earthlings shook their heads. Ryu sighed.

"I landed on a planet where no one lives. I heard it was abondoned by some circumstances and it was banned to go there. But I just have to go there. Many buildings were destroyed but strangely, only two buildings stays unharmed. One was a big, dark purple castle and another was a very enormous building that looked kinda scary.

"Then all of a sudden, I heard someone running behind me. And I saw a boy running. I chased him, but I got lost there because of the fog.

"I... tried getting out of there but something was, neglecting me to do so. Then I decided to go to the castle, since it looked like it was the only place, other than the enormous building, unharmed. I tried opening the door but it won't budge. And, the door opened itself. I stepped inside, but the door slammed close. I walked in the castle, and I almost died, falling into the castle's deadly traps. That's how I got these."

The Earthlings blinked, and then they started to panic. "B-but, that means the planet is haunted!" Fiona shrieked. Myron shivered and Diego ate his donut(where did that come from?) in order to calm himself down. But Shiro was calm, but in the inside he was worried too. "Oh, yeah! Maybe the planet was Yandus's planet!" Kaz said. But then Dile came.

"Well, well. I got to see my weaklings again. So, what should I do for you?" he said in a mischievious tone. Everyone flinched at his murderous aura, except for Ryu, Shiro, Taiga and Zero. Taiga spoke up. "Do you know where the Yandu lives?" he said. Dile narrowed his eyes at him and sighed.

"Just after the Final Grand Prix, something appeared in the black hole. Many thought it was Ryu(Ryu: Hey!), but when the cops investigated it they found the Yandus. They were called that way because many years ago, when Scan2go was created, the Yandus used Scan2go in a wrong way. They conquered many planets. But after a century, eight brothers came to defeat them.

"The brothers came from Earth. They had mastered the arts of magics, along with Scan2go. Although they used black magic, they used it in a good way, unlike the Yandus. They fight for a decade and they found a solution on how to trap them forever. Trapping them in a black hole. Even though they succeeded in trapping them, the brothers were trapped in the black hole too, along with a planet that the brothers conquered. But after Ryu's trial to conquer the universe, the Yandus managed to escape. The Scan2go Masters Council didn't know how they escaped. They could only hope that the brothers had escaped too."

"But what if they didn't escape?" asked Kaz. Dile shook his head sadly, and replied, "Then we're all doomed forever, unless we trained hard to defeat them. But I heard a legend, saying that the brothers had other relatives. And they formed a legacy. There are five families that had the same powers as the brothers did." Ryu hung his head. Dradd went beside him and patted his shoulder. "Hey, it wasn't your fault that they escaped from the black hole. And we accept your apology. We know you're sorry," he said. Ryu stared at him blankly, but let gave a smile of relief. "I'm not sure that I could forgive him just yet, but I could accept him as a rival," Taiga said. Kaz nodded in agreement.

While they were having a commotion about accepting Ryu's apology, Fiona realised that they were lacking one person; Shiro. She turned to where Shiro is. The blond stared blankly into the forest. Worry was filled into his eyes when the sky suddenly turned dark. "Guys! We must get in now!" Shiro yelled. The others stared at him blankly, but they snapped into reality when the ground shook. Shiro gave a yell of warning.

"The Yandus is here!"

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