Ch. 6

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Kaz was the first to wake up. He idly glanced around the ship. For a second, he had forgotten where he was and who he was, but it took a moment for him to sober up. The seatbelts automatically opened and disappeared into their respective places. The others had woken up too, and he helped Diego to stand.

"I wonder what planet we're at," Fiona mumbled. Flevion hopped down from the control room. "Any of you hurt?" she asked. They shook their heads, before Fiona quietly hissed in pain. Flevion rolled her eyes and went to Fiona. "Sit," she ordered.

"Done," Flevion said. She had wrapped Fiona's knee with Flevion's bandana, and Fiona could list out some herbs Flevion had used. "That'll take half an hour to heal," she said. Tsukikage came then with Shiro.

"What's our plan now, Mr. I'm-perfect-in-everything?" Flevion sneered. Tsukikage avoided her gaze and sighed. "I don't know," he mumbled softly. Flevion frozed, stunned by his answer. "Hey. If you're still a bit affected by Soleil's behaviour, I'm telling you that he is sorry too. But now, we have to divide ourself into groups. So, what's our plan?" she inquired. Tsukikage glanced at Flevion, and sighed again.

"We'll have 3 groups. Group one are me, Ryu, Kraken, Jack and Myron. Group 2 are Taiga, Dile, Hebina, Flevion, Diego and Dradd. And the last are Kaz, Fiona, Shiro, Zero and Soleil. I'll give you the orders to you guys when we've decided where we should go."

"And how exactly will you give your orders?" Hebina snapped. But she was quickly silenced by one of Flevion's glare. "You'll find out," Tsukikage said.

They gathered in outside the spaceship(which surprisingly still looks fine) and went to their own groups. Flevion gave them rifles, handguns and normal guns to them, except for Shiro. Instead, he was given a pair of ancients knives. "Why are you giving him knives? You know they're useless," Dile said. Flevion scoffed and turned to Shiro. "What can you see?" she asked. Shiro cocked an eyebrow, and answered, "A pair of knives." "Tell me what you can see in your mind," Flevion said again, her tone a bit raising. Shiro clicked his tongue in annoyance and stared into his knives.

Suddenly, his eyes went gray to amber, then back to red.

He accidentally dropped the knives, which Flevion kindly picked up. Shiro took a deep breath to calm himself down, while the others waited for his reply. "What, did you see?" Flevion asked again, for the last time. Shiro gulped, then sighed, and opened his mouth to speak.

"A boy. A... boy, with lightly spiked hair and-- and his hair was dark green that i-it reached his shoulders. His skin was light brown and..." Shiro's voice trailed away when Flevion saw hesitation in his eyes. "Shiro," she called, now losing her patience. Shiro then continued. "He... he has this spear. A jade-coloured spear. He only wore clothes like some kind of tribes always wear, and there are feathers tied around his ankle and wrists. But, beside him was the king of the wild."

"A lion, correct?" Flevion inquired with a grin.

Shiro nodded. "How about his surroundings?" she asked. "Dark, but it seems that he was in the deeper parts of the forest. He looked impatient, like he was waiting for someone." Flevion turned to Tsukikage, who had his hand on his chin. "Interesting. That was a Sader. And the boy seems to be Felin Sader. His avatar is a lion and his element was jade, or earth," he explained.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go. We can't waste any time," Flevion snapped. Tsukikage nodded. "Your group will start from the east. Soleil's will start from the west and mine will start from the north." They all nodded and started walking.

"What are your motives of defeating the Yandus anyway?" Myron asked. Tsukikage kept quiet, but Myron wasn't going to give up. "Hey!" "What do you want to know?!" Tsukikage snapped. Myron grunted. "My question just now, please." Tsukikage sighed. "Fine."

"We wanted to defeat them because they want to harvest the power of our family lines, which was started by the brothers. So the only way to stop it is to kill every one of them," he answered calmly. "But, how did they escape?" Myron asked, again. Tsukikage kept quiet, and again, Myron wouldn't give up. "Answer--" "All of this wouldn't happen if you didn't force Shiro to participate in the final Grand Prix!" Tsukikage snapped. The group went silent as Tsukikage continued to yell.

"When Ryu put all of you into the black hole, your presence had awaken the Yandus! Especially Shiro's! They wanted revenge, so at the time you came out, they followed all of you too! Now look what happens! Our association doesn't even know whether the brothers managed to escape or not! Oh! As a matter of fact, all of our association's best mages are in different planets!"

Tsukikage breathed out a shaky breath and continued walking. Ryu kept his head down, not to mention that he had heard Tsukikage's insults about him(i am evil!). Suddenly, he remembered something and stopped his track.

"What now?" Tsukikage asked half-heartedly when he heard Ryu's footsteps fade. He threw him an angry look, but frown as he saw the confusion on Ryu's face. "You said that your assoction didn't know whether the brothers escaped too, right?" he asked. Tsukikage nodded. "Why? What's with it?" he whispered. Ryu sighed. He mumbled something that Tsukikage can't hear. "What did you say?" Ryu gritted his teeth and said loudly;

"Because I think I escaped from the black hole with the help of them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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