Ch. 2

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All of them ran into shelter, both from the rain and the Yandus who was chasing them. Shiro came last and he slammed the door really hard that the glass almost cracked. They ran to the inner part of the dormitory and they stopped to rest. They were gasping for air and surprisingly, Shiro looked so worried that his skin turned really pale. "Shiro... how did you... know... that the... Yandus were coming?" Kaz said while gasping for air. Shiro only shook his head.

Dile growled at Shiro and snapped, "Tell us how you know that the Yandus are coming!" "I said I didn't, know," Shiro hissed. Taiga eyed him. "Are you sure? Because among all of us, you were the one who looked really scared of them." Shiro avoided Taiga's gaze. "Maybe you're one of them?" Antares joked, but they didn't expect Shiro to take the joke seriously.

"All of this wouldn't have happened if Kaz doesn't make me participate the tournament!" Shiro roared. His red eyes blazed with fury, but then his eyes filled with worry as the others had their gazes on him. "You mean, the Yandus are hunting you down?" Fiona asked softly. But the sound of explosion intercepts their conversation. Before they could start running, an alien with a face of a cobra appeared.

"Well, well. Look who we have here. If you guys are guessing that I'm a Yandu, than you are correct. And lets not waste time!" hissed the Yandu and in a blink of an eye, he was behind Fiona and locked his arm around her neck. While the other arm grabbed a knife. "Now I am going to asks nicely to you, which one of you came from the Sutherlands?" he yelled. Fiona thrashed in the Yandu's iron grip but it was no use. The Yandu scoffed. "Very well. If none of you are one of them, I am going to kill you all. Have a good night." He raised the knife in the air. Fiona screamed.


"Let the girl free, or I'll send you to hell."

They all turned to Shiro, who was holding a gun, and who actually looked different than before. His left eye had some kind of black tattoo, his hair messier and his red eyes turned into a menacing shade of red. He glared at the Yandu and tilted his head a bit. "Didn't you hear me, or should I say it out louder? Let the girl free, or I'll send you to hell," he repeated. The Yandu gulped. "A Sutherland, I see. Not so tough as I thought," he said in a challenging tone. Shiro dropped his gun and held up his hands, like criminals do when they were caught. "Good boy. Now tell me everything about Lupine!" the Yandu yelled. But Shiro merely flinch. Instead, he curled three of his fingers, letting his thumb and index finger free, acting as if he was holding a gun. The Yandu loses his temper, and charged to Shiro.


Suddenly, the Yandu halted to a stop. Fiona got out of his grip and rushed to her friends. Now the Yandu wasn't a Yandu anymore. He became a humanoid block of ice. Shiro changed back to his normal state with a gasp. He stumbled back but succeeded regaining his balance. He notice the block of ice in front of him and his friends stares. But then, all he could see is darkness.

Scan2go Season 2 (My own season 2)(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now