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Sunoo's POV

After exiting the restaurant Hanna and I went back to school, we walked past a convenience store and I suddenly crave ice cream for dessert. I asked, "Hanna-ah do you want to eat ice cream?" She replied, "Sure." We both enter the store and went to the ice cream aisle at the back, I asked her, "Hanna-ah which flavor would you like?" She answered, "Mint choco please." I was very genuinely happy that she likes mint choco because most of my closest friend dislikes mint choco, and I'm the only mint choco lovers in our circle. I took two mint choco ice cream and gave it to the cashier and pay the money, we ate the mint choco ice cream while walking towards school and I curiously asked, "Do you like mint choco?" She replied, " Yes I love mint choco, but not many people like this flavor. Do you like mint choco too or are you just eating mint choco because I like it?" I chuckled and answered, "I like mint choco a lot, I think I'm the only mint choco lover in class before finding out that you like mint choco too."

-time skip-

Jake's POV

4th period of class was about to start but I didn't see Sunoo or Hanna in the class, so I asked one of my other classmate, "Hey, do you see Sunoo?" He answered, "Yea, he went outside with Hanna during lunch break." I nodded to him as a sign of okay and thank you, I went back to my seat and I saw them at the door coming in together and having ice cream on their hand. I waved my hand to them and they waved back, they a seat next to me and still eating their ice cream on their hand. I asked, "Why are you guys eating mint choco ice cream? It taste like toothpaste with chocolate in your mouth." Hanna replied, "Yahh, mint choco taste good. Sunoo and I like mint choco, it felt like we are soulmates because not many of people like mint choco." Soulmates? Are they already close?

Third Person's POV

The teacher came to class and lesson starts the class have a group assignments, The teacher called the group names. The teacher announce each group, "Sunghoon and Ni-ki, Jay and Jungwon, Jake and Eunbyeol, and finally Sunoo, Hanna, and Heeseung."

(This is like an assembly where everyone work with people they know or don't for social interaction with people. Maybe you might ask why not let Heeseung and Aera together so Hanna and Sunoo could be together, the reason is that I made Aera like a senior of Hanna which is 3 years above Hanna.)

Hanna's POV

Everyone start to walk to their partner's desk and discuss about the project, but I don't know whether I should go to Sunoo's or Heeseung's desk. I decided to go to Sunoo's desk, but I felt someone was hugging me from behind, I looked behind and realise it is Heeseung. I said, "Heeseung-ssi, we are in class. Let go of me please." He answered, "No need for formalities, just call me oppa, jagi, or Heeseung-ah. You're gonna make me feel very old if you keep calling me Heeseung-ssi." I replied, "Fine, Heeseung-ah let me go please everyone is staring at us." "Let them stare, I will let the world know that you're mine." He stated. I was about to hit him with my elbow, but Sunoo came to me and pulled my hands and said, "Lee Heeseung, this is a work project and we are in school for crying out loud. She was never yours." He sound like an angel that has been send from god to me, he saved me in many situations and I couldn't thank him enough for this.
(Oppa = older brother or babe (to your bf)
Jagi = babe/baby )

We didn't finish the school project in school, so we need to finish them at home before submitting it tomorrow. We decided to go to Sunoo's house since I don't feel comfortable to show my house and Sunoo doesn't want me to enter Heeseung's house, so we went to Sunoo's house instead. We enter Sunoo's house and it was a big mansion with many rooms and maids and guards around the house, we enter the house and we went to say hi to Sunoo's mom. We give Sunoo's mom a 90 degree bow and said hi, Sunoo said, "Eomma this is my classmates and we are working on a group project." Sunoo's mom replied, "Okay dear, take care and call me if you need anything." "Alright mom, I'll be in my room."

We bowed to Sunoo's mom one last time before entering Sunoo's room. We enter Sunoo's room and it was really pretty and neat, we decided to do the project on his study table. The project is not hard, but what is making this hard is that we have a god damn flirty mf in the group, istg he can't leave me alone. He keeps flirting with me every 5 minutes, I was getting tired and said, "Heeseung-ssi, can we please quickly finish the project and go home? I am getting very tired." He whispered to my ear, "Jagiya, I told you to not call me that name. If you call me that again I will not hold myself back and taste those pink lips of yours."

I was very taken back from his statement and I just nodded, Sunoo suddenly shouted, "YAHHH LEE HEESEUNG, IF YOU'RE NOT DOING THE PROJECT JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE. I BROUGHT YOU HERE FOR A PROJECT NOT FOR YOU TO FLIRT WITH HANNA." I was very shocked of his action because I had never hear him shout, Heeseung just smirked and said, "Alright I will do the project since my jagi is already tired." Sunoo angrily said, "Stop calling her names and just call her Hanna, she is never and will never be yours."

We did the project and finished it by the next 15 minutes after the heating argument between Sunoo and Heeseung. It was already quite late and dark outside, Heeseung had already went home since Sunoo just practically made him leave the house, I was about to leave and say goodbye to Sunoo but He said, "Hanna-ah, would you like to spend the night here since it's already very late outside?" I replied, "No thanks, I think I would be fine." I was about to turn back but Sunoo's mom came and asked to to eat dinner with Sunoo, I didn't want to stay so late in his house but I couldn't say no, so I just said, "Sure eomeonim."
(Eomeonim is a way to address your friend's mother.)

Hello my dear readers, first of all thank you so much for 70+ readers. The number of reads make me feel motivated to write more chapters for you guys. I hope you like this chapter, and I'm sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes in this chapter. I'm sorry for a late update on this chapter, I think my daily update would be around 5-7 pm or 3-5 am GMT+7.

Daily Reminder
•Prioritize yourself before others
•Love yourself
•Remove negative thoughts
•As always, this author loves you so muchhh♥️

See you guys on the next chapter~

-your dear author-

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