᯾ New Life ? ᯾

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Author's Pov:-

"Where are you ?" asked the male from the other end.

"On the way to the Parks Enterprise," said Yoongi.

"What are you up to ?" asked the male.

"You know it, exactly that," replied Yoongi.

"What about your husband?" asked the male.

Yoongi sighed hearing the question he knew he obviously would come over this question someday. Didn't know it would be this early.

"Let's see." was all Yoongi said before hanging up the phone.

"Let's see what price does Mr Park says. Then we'll decide," said Yoongi to himself with a smirk visible on his face as he entered through the huge gates to the Park Enterprise building.


"Why didn't you tell me before ?" asked Jungkook as he ran through the stairs down from the twelfth floor, as the lift was under maintenance today.

"I thought Mr Park informed you. " answered his assistant as he ran behind his boss.

Jungkook scoffed hearing his assistant's justification. Really? Mr Park informing him? Him?

"Hurry the fuck up! Did you take those files we needed for today?" asked Jungkook as he reached the ground floor.

"Yes Sir. "

He ran to the garage with his assistant lagging as he opened the car door and set off to the very familiar place.


"This is the way Mr Min." an employee guided his way upstairs to the conference hall.

Yoongi nodded his head and followed the male as they took several turns and climbs. Finally reaching the destination.

"Thank you. I may lead from now. You may go." said Yoongi politely dismissing him off. Which he did after a small bow.

He knocked on the door very lightly, almost inaudible.

And the door opened and the first thing he witnessed is how Park Jimin is sitting on the head chair of the table busy typing something into his laptop.

He strode inside, and others bowed to him. Jimin still didn't notice his presence inside the room. Or pretended like that.

"Can you all give us some privacy ?" asked Yoongi to the very few people present in the room. And bowing they obeyed his humble request.

This commotion brought Jimins attention and lifted his head to see him all alone with the person he never wanted to be with.

"What is happening here ?" asked Jimin trying to be brave, masking his nervousness.

"Aww. Sweetheart is this how you treat your fiance?" asked Yoongi as he leaned more to Jimin.

"I don't have a fiance," said Jimin gritting his teeth as he clutched himself into the chair tightly.

"Tsk. Will see about that Mr Park," said Yoongi leaning in more and licking Jimin's earlobe.

"Oh, Shit! I am a-" Jungkook stopped midway as he barged into the door only to witness how Yoongi is hovering over Jimin.


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