The plan

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They have been on hiatus for 6 years. 18 months my ass. And by they I mean One Direction.
They lied to all of us. All four of them.

Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis.

Those bastards.
Now I'm going to kidnap them and force them to reunite. Reunion will happen whether they like it or not.

The room is all ready for them. I even got them beds. Three beds though. I know that Larry will be curled up next to eachother.
They will feel like they are in hotel. Well almost.
They will have a proper food and all, I can even bring them whatever they want so they could be happy until I got them all together.
I even got them new clothes. I know exactly what size they wear and what thing they like to wear.  They will literally have everything they need.
Even got a guitar for Niall so he won't be on guitar withdrawal.

I will treat them as the celebrities they are.

I got blindfolds for them too and myself a proper mask so they won't know who I am.

I hope I can make it happen. They have to reunite. No matter what.
Fans need that.
They want it so badly.
I know they want.
And can't keep hoping that James will do something.

I have stalked them and I know where to find them and how to kidnap them. I feel like I know them pretty well to know how they will act and how will they try to fight me.

I will kidnap them few days after Christmas but before New Years Eve. I would like to spend last day of the year together with them.

First it will be Harry, it feels like kidnapping him is the easiest.

Then it's Niall, he and Harry get along pretty well so they can have fun when they are together. Narry is my favourite friendship.

Third will be Liam, third because he has that Maya girl with him all the time. Like all the time. Maya cmon give him a break.
I haven't figured out how to get rid of her. But when I do then I can have Liam.

And lastly it's Louis, he will put up a serious fight, he will be the hardest one to kidnap.

But I can make it happen. I believe in myself. I need that reunion and I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

Who do you think it is?

I kidnapped One Direction {a short story}Where stories live. Discover now