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My back hurts. It hurts like what I imagine hell would feel like.
I wasn't prepared to carry two grown man.

But two down two more to go and then I can rest.
I go to kitchen and make some pancakes. Harry and Louis are still sleeping when I'm done with pancakes. I open the door quietly and place the pancakes on the cupboard next to door. I hope they like them.

Today it's Niall's day. I know that he's in London and he likes to do his morning run in park. That's when and where I have to get him. Or at least I hope I get him. Don't need to be cocky. Never know what will happen.

I park my car near to the park where he usually does his runs and wait.
He's later than usual. He's sporting his white shirt and those hideous yellow shorts and those rainbow colored running shoes. The most important thing or change or whatever is his hair. What happened there? Niall is not blonde anymore. I miss that. I will buy him a hairdye. We need blonde Niall back.

I wait for him to get closer to me and I pull my mask on and go after him.
Holy shit he's fast.
I have never run so fast and I can't catch him. I can't even properly breathe when I have this shit excuse of a mask on.
And Niall's gone. Damn it. At least he didn't saw me.
Maybe I have better luck at night.
Maybe I should just coax him with Guinness beer? Or with whatever food?

Talking about food. I have to drive back to Painswick and go back to the apartment. I have to ask Harry and Louis what food would they like to have for lunch. I'm a good host after all.

Harry decides for a McDonald's meal. Nice. Louis just cussed every swear word there is after reading my note. Oh well, I just order him something, I'll order him Happy Meal. It's his fault he didn't say what he really would like to have. Even I would like to have one McDonald's meal.
I'm in drive thru, thinking about what will I do with Liam. How will I kidnap him. He's bigger than me and shit loads of stronger than me. And I still don't know what to do about his girlfriend.

I get our food and go back to apartment, I slip Harry and Louis a note and ask politely for them to sit nicely on their bed when I open the door to give them their food. Harry sits but Louis refuses. He just tries his best to get out of there.
Well then their food has to wait. I can't open that door when Louis acts like a madman there.

Ooh wait.
I sit behind the computer and write another note.
I print it out, slip it under the door and run to cameras to see what Louis does.
Louis reads that note, thinks a little and then sits next to Harry. Well good boy.
I take one sigarette and one match to light the cigarette. I put them to same bag as their food.
He can have one in bathroom or something. Maybe he will just look and praise it. Maybe he will just sniff it. Like I used to do on my first days of withdrawal.
I put my mask back on and unlock the door, open it and put their food to cupboard and quickly close and lock the door.

I eat my meal quickly and it's time to drive back to London.

Few hours later and I'm creeping in that park again. I have my hoodie on so no one would recognize me.

I take a seat on one of the benches, I know Niall will run past this bench.

I see him coming like after 10 minutes. He runs past me and I run next to him and push him to bushes. It's mean but it had to be done. I climb on top of him and hold my precious cloth on his face. He tries to scream and push me off but fails, I'm like a professional in using that shitty cloth and kidnapping people. I hope it won't turn out as a some sort of a habit or something.
I remove my mask and take my hoodie off. I carry him to my car. Some people watch us weird but I don't care. They know that we are friends. I hope they think it's some banter between two friends or that it's just a prank.

I still wish I did this sooner. We waited 6 years and now I will make this reunion happen. I wonder why hasn't someone already kidnapped them. It's so easy.

I put Niall in my car, blindfold him and drive back to Painswick. It's one good 2.5 hours of drive.
I put on One Direction songs, oh those good old days before their hiatus. Liars. The never planned on coming back together, traitors.

We arrive to the apartment and I have to carry Niall back. Damn I need one good back massage after all this shit is done. It would've been all better if they would have reunited all by themselves.

I put Niall down in my room and wait for him to wake.
I slip Larry a note saying that they will have some company soon and they have to take a seat on the bed again.

It takes about 20 minutes for Niall to wake up.
I untangle his feet and make him stand. He rocks in his feet a little and almost falls again.

I go behind this room's door where Larry is. I just saw them sitting on the bed, far from the door. I unlock the door and shove Niall in. I know it's a bit harsh and Niall is our princess and he deserves to be treated like one but I had to do it before Louis or Harry gets a chance to escape.

I go back to my room to see what's going on. It's nice to see them three together. Niall and his ship.
Harry helps his blindfold off and they all hug. How cute. I need a hug from them too. I hope I can do it soon.

I hope they are okey with having some snacks for tonight's dinner. I'm too tired to bring them real food. Tomorrow I have to bring them shit loads of food. Because you know. Niall.

I have to go to sleep early. I have to think what to do with Liam. There's no One Direction without him.

Who is behind this big kidnapping plan?

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