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It's 27th of December. It's late and it's already dark outside.

I know that Harry will be soon on his way back to London. He will probably drive back in few hours so I better act fast now. Right now he's visiting his parents in his hometown. It sounds easier to get him when he's in this small town. Kidnapping someone in London would be terrible, but there's no other option with Niall.

I am staying outside of Harry's parents house. Good old camping in my car. Proper stalker. Harry came to his parents house without his bodyguard so it's good for me. But Louis is with him, he is like having three bodyguards. He's little and sassy, oh no, I shouldn't refer him as little. Never mind. He will protect Harry with whatever, he can go crazy when someone approaches his Hazza.
Well Louis being here with Harry is good for them at least, it's nice to see that their relathionship is still going strong. But it's not good for me. How the fuck can I make it happen when they are together.
I can't kidnap both of them at the same time. Or maybe I can. Yes I can. Of course I can. I have to think how to make that happen and I have to come up with a plan quickly.

I came up with a plan. I go to his parents front door and knock. My heart is beating so fast. God I hope this works out. It has to. I'm literally shaking. I take a deep breath. And another.

His mom, Anne, opens the door.
"Hi," I say with a little wave and a big smile appears on her face. "Omg it's so nice to see you," she pulls me into a hug and invites me in.
I decline, "can you please ask Harry to come outside for a minute?" I ask politely.
"Yeah, sure, of course, you can come in later darling," she says and goes back inside, leaving the door open and yelling, "Harry look who's here to see you!"
I pull my mask on when she's surely back inside, I step away from the door and wait for Harry to come on front door.
Just when he steps out of the door I jump on him and press the drugged cloth on his mouth and nose and he's out after what feels like minutes.
I drag him to my car and put him on the backseat. He should be out for a while.
I look at him and think to myself that it's good that I kidnapped him. I practically saved him from Olivia and their stunts. No one believes that shit. Now he can breathe somewhat relieved when he's at that place where I bring them all together.

Phew. That was easy. Well not too easy. It was hard to get him into my car but everything else before that was easy. I blindfolded him and tied his arms and legs.
Now I have to think how to get Louis out.

I should've done this sooner. This all kidnapping thing.

Now I have two options -
one is to creep in the bushes in front of that house or in my car and wait when Louis comes out.
Second one is to go and knock again and ask for Anne to call Louis out too. Should be easy task too.

I wasn't prepared to take two down at one time but I can make it happen. I believe in myself. I'm on fire. Adrenaline is pushing through my veins. It feels amazing.

I decide for the option two. I can hear my heart beating in my ears.
I knock again and of course it's Anne who greets me again, thank God, "would you come in now? Where's Harry?" she asks with a big smile.
"Oh he's in my car. We are going for a little ride so can you ask Louis over here too. I hope you don't mind if I steal them from you. I will bring them back soon," I say happily.
"Sure, for you anything," she smiles, Anne is about to go inside when I stop her and say, "Please don't tell Louis that it's me. I want to surprise him."
"Okey," and with that she goes back inside.
After few minutes I hear him behind the door. I put my mask on and cloth is ready in my hand so I can make him unconscious.
Louis steps out and I take him down, he puts up a serious fight, exactly like I thought. I have to tackle him down, he almost took my mask off.
But I'm bigger and stronger than him and now he's unconscious.
I pick him up and place him next to Harry.
I put blindfold on his eyes and tie him up too. I have to use more rope for him. He's probably that kind of dude who wakes up before I even arrive to their new home. And I have to make sure he's all tied up nicely.

Anne knows that they are with me, so I hope she won't suspect anything. She won't think that their friend kidnaps them or that something bad is happening.

I sit on driver's seat and head to Painswick.
It's a small small town. That's where that said apartment is. It's about 2 hours of driving and I hope those dudes on backseat won't wake up. So fingers crossed now on.

*2 hours later*

So, we are finally in Painswick. Thank God it's dark outside, it's way more easier to sneak them in and no one will notice.

I drag Louis in first. I put him on the nearest bed and lock the door behind me before I go for Harry. You can never be too careful, maybe Louis wakes up in meantime and breaks loose. It wouldn't be nice for him to escape.

I go for Harry.
He stirs when I carry him inside. Shit shit shit. I hurry inside and place him on the floor. I remove the rope that's around his arms and make my way out of there before he's aware what's going on.
I lock the door again.
That was close call.

I know I left a note for them saying that it's all fine and we are friends and they will soon find out what's going on. And they shouldn't be worried, it's best for them not to try to break out. And that they can find some snacks and drinks from the cupboard next to door, I'm a good kidnapper though. I think about them and their needs first.

I go to other room where are the cameras so I can see what they do in their room.
Harry is fully awake and panicked. He breaks free from the rope and goes straight to help Louis, who is still unconscious. He helps him out of the ropes and removes his blindflond. Louis doesn't wake up to that. Of course he won't, he likes to sleep.
Harry tries to open the door and yells, "heey, open the door, let us out!"
He tries so bad to open it, kicking it and everything but the door won't open. Good for me.

Harry sees the note and reads it, he opens the cupboard and inspects the food inside of it. Probably making sure it's a legit food not some poisoned stuff.
He takes one water bottle and opens it, he's brave enought to drink it. Good.

I lay down and try to sleep. Tomorrow I have to bring captain Niall here.


I woke up to screaming. Louis is screaming and swearing. Oh so the devil himself is up.
I turn on my computer and write to Word. I can make a handwritten note, they would know who I am. I print said note out, the note says -

It's so good to see that you Louis are up too. Chill out and relax. Have some snacks. Sorry I can't allow you smoke, take it as a withdrawal from it. I'm on withdrawal too if that makes you feel better in any way.
There are cameras in the room so I can see what you are doing, just letting you know. You will stay in here for three days and then you will find out why you are here.
I'll pass you guys another note in the morning.
Have a nice sleepover and good night.

I go to their room's door and slip the note to them.
I go back to my room to see what they do.
Louis is reading my note and looks to camera and flips the bird to it, making me laugh.

I go back to sleep hoping they keep quiet. Tomorrow will be hard day aswell.

Who is the kidnapper?

I kidnapped One Direction {a short story}Where stories live. Discover now