Day 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 pipers pipping 

Sean POV

"are you sure about this" I said out loud. Jake had his finger on his chin thinking clearly. "No dout this is it" milly said. Ever sense yesterday those two have been in a determined state, Why? Because I'm the only single one and I have a normal human fear to ask out there crush. My phone has not stopped getting notifications and dying. This sucks, but also I'm excised and happy. Yet why do they have to be apart of it. I let them have the space to ask there crushes out. But hay, I cant complan. They are having fun. They gave me a script even though I know I am going to forget it.

"ok ask her in the park" Jake said "No, garden park has to many people" milly said. "but it makes it more neutral" Jake argued. Those to started to argue whole I slipped away. I get they want to help me but I'm 18 and they need a life. I went for a walk and came across the fair me and Daisy went to. I am still happy I helped her because it made me fall for her more. I came across a Christmas tree and smiled. This year has been amazing a year i'll never forget. I didn't even notice Daisy walking up to me.

"Didn't expect to see you here" she said walking up to me. Her hair was half up half down, yet she still looked stunning. The moonlight shined n her face. "Ya came here to watch the lights its like an escape place for me." I smiled looking at the tree then her. "Ya its nice makes you feel calm in a way" she said looking at the tree. You could see the lights in her eyes flash different colors making them to look away. I smiled she always looks bright.

Daisy POV

I wen on a walk after my moms were done cooking and eating dinner. I wanted to see the lights on peoples houses. I consciously started walking to the fair me and Sean went to. I look around and found everything to be pretty and festive. From the music to the singers, to lights and bright colors. I walked around watching the kids run around smiling. I walked to the tree in the middle admiring the lights and branches on it. I look around it and see a Sean looking at the tree.

I walk up to him and I couldn't help but feel happy around him. Yet I could feel like you could hear what's on his mind. "Hay, are you ok?" I asked him. He turns his body to me and hugs me. I felt really surprised. But I hugged him back he was kind and I felt safe. He lets go and looks at me smiling. Blush comes on my face as I look at him. He looks cute I cant stand it. "Umm Daisy" he asked me. I look at him confused yet I still smiled. "Yes Sean"

He blushes bright red and looks to the side. I look at him making him make eye contact with me. "You know you can tell me anything right" i tell him. He blushes and looks nerves. "I-I like you a lot" he looked down. You could see the fear in him. "I-I mean like more then a friend" he told me. I smiled and started to tear up. "Oh- if you don't like me back I totally understa-" he mumbled with me cutting him off with a hug. He is to kind for words and nothing could say how happy I am. He was taken a back but eased into the hug. "I like you to Sean I have for some time" I said hugging him. I looked at him and smiled. Him and I lean down and kiss honestly today was an amazing day.

Luke POV

Today was honestly kind of boring today I talked a lot with my honey bun and we both agreed today was not that interesting. Me and him are now texting because he is supposed to be watching the Grinch for the "first" time today. In all honesty its more like his 100th time today but new times a charm. I laugh at his text ya he watches the Grinch a lot. As I was texting him I got a call from Daisy. I gave her my number along time ago but I have not texted her much only school reminders. So I didn't expect it.

I picked up my phone and was met with a scream, "Are you ok?" O asked her sounding concerned. "I have to talk to someone and Elliot is asleep and would kill me so help" she said. "what happened" I asked, she sighed more sounding like a breath " I have a boyfriend" she said, im sorry what. "A boyfriend who?" I asked, "Ummm Sean" she said. I laughed "about time you ask him" is all I said. "Luke! not called for" she said making me laugh. "Sorry not sore" I laughed "how did you ask him" I asked. "Ok so I went for a walk ya, a plain walk and ended up at a fair" she rambled sounding excited while i just laugh.

She finished telling me about what happened while I just smiled. "About time you have a man" I laughed. "ya now you cant brag about you getting all the hot ones" she laughed. "I've never bragged just told you what my options were" we both burst into laughter, "Congratulations though" I told her, she laughed "thanks."  

This made today less boring lol. Hope you are having an amazing Day/night and life happy holidays

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