Day 21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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4 more days

4 calling birds 

Hailey POV

Christmas gifts are all set the secret Santa gift is also set up its time to see when we can all meet. I look on the chat to see if anyone is online watch every one was we have had loved to play games together even though we have not really seen each other in like 4 days aside form Jake and Luke. Watch is big for us. I feel like now we should talk so being the annoying sister I did screamed for Zander even though he was actually in the hall way. "What do you want Hailey" Zander said holding his phone clearly on a call with Luke watch is something that always happens now. "Get off the phone we need to group chat with everyone about meeting up" I told him. "Just do it yourself most people will agree to what you say" he said clearly annoyed at me. "Ok... Luke your staying over Christmas eve with everyone and joining our family for Christmas with everyone else" I said clearly trying to annoy him. 

"Ok tell everyone the plan I don't see why not" Luke laughed making me looked shocked. "Wait really" I said sounding excited. I always wanted to do this but I never really told anyone in the club because they might have family stuff going on. "Sure I'll tell daisy the Idea because I remembers you told me you did not have her number you can tell the others" Luke laughed. I jumped up and down really existed. This is going to be so much fun. I went on my phone and chose to text everyone by themselves in case they cant make it or cant do it. I chose to text Milly first because she can easily contact Elliot and she is also the first one on my contacts because she told me to send her a cookie recipe. I pick up call feeling existed. 

"Hello blueberry what's up" Milly said picking up right away. She is laying on her bed with her phone above her head. I could see Elliot next to her watch I was expecting. "are you and Elliot doing anything Christmas eve night and Christmas morning" I asked she laughed and so did Elliot. "Not really actually me and Milly already said we were going to give each other our gifts the night before Christmas eve because someone is to existed" Elliot answered for Milly making me laugh. "Do you want to stay the night Christmas even night and then Christmas morning we can give the Secret Santa gift" I asked them. they look at each other and burst into laughter. I was the most confused "Hailey you looked tariffed to ask that" Milly laughed. I pout and look mad. "Your both are mean" I said. "Yes of course we will and I know for a fact Sean will to because his family does not celebrate" Elliot laughed because Milly laughing to hard. "Ya I'll text Sean the plan because I don't want Hailey to have a heart attack" Milly laughed. I hung up before they could make fun of me more. 

Jake POV

I have been writing a lot lately. I don't know why but it is fun. I hide my book under my bed and walk into the kitchen to get an peach because honestly I really like them and they taste good around this year and all year round. I washed it and pealed the skin of it because the texture of it just grosses me up. I cut it up and walking back into my room to eat it. My brother was at school making it really calm  peaceful watch is different. I walked into my room and our dog Oreo jumping on my bed with his cookie plush my brother got him at the Christmas shop he has yearly. And Oreo being the sweet dog loves it so much. If my mom or dad were to give him a plush he would play with it but put it away because yes he is cute. But if me or my  brother were to give him a gift he would overly love it to the point were its his baby. And now he has a cookie and stick as a toy. He loves them. 

 My phone started going off and my bog rolls over. I see Hailey's name pock up and smile. I pick up and smile "hay hun" I told her, "hay bb how are you" she said smiling "Ok oh ya this is Oreo" I said Oreo barks watch makes me and her laugh. "Hay are you doing something Christmas eve nigh and Christmas morning" She asked smiling and blushes looking away.  I tilt my head to the side confused. "Most likely no We always do gift giving Christmas night and Jack gives his gift to me in the morning " I said. "She smiling and looked really happy. "Want to come over Christmas Eve for a sleep over then in the morning we can give everyone the secret Santa gifts" she smiled and looked happy. "Sure why not" I smile. 

I look at at Oreo as he barked and looked some what upset making me laugh. "Yes Oreo I'm going to my girlfriends house for Christmas" Oreo barked and ran around my room making Hailey burst into laughed. "Why is Oreo loosing his mind" my mom laughed looking into my room. "I'm going to Hailey's house for a sleep over Christmas Eve and Oreo is loosing his mind for it" I laughed while I looked at my phone watch had Hailey tearing up from laughter. "I guess this is Oreos reactions for him finding out you have a girlfriend" my mom laughed. "maybe" I laughed Oreo jumped on my back and went back to running making me laugh so much. Today was so fun I cant wait for Christmas Eve. 

  I feel like I want to end the book here even though it was short I still feel proud of it. Thank you for allowing me to take my break because I really do feel proud of this part. Hope you have an amazing day/ Night and life bye happy holidays 

(1046 words)

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