14. More Than A New Year's Kiss

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*Warning: Mature Content. Please read at your discretion! 🔞



As soon as we make it to the door of Hoseok's apartment, Hoseok takes my overnight bag from Mr. Kang, and we say goodbye and wish him a Happy New Year.

Mr. Kang serves as Hoseok's manager and bodyguard. It seems a little overboard that he escorted us up to his apartment. But, there have been issues, lately, with sasaengs trying to chase down the men, more than usual. Needless to say, the staff has been extra cautious lately. Hoseok had told me the most recent scare was someone trying to stalk Jimin and Jungkook when they were traveling in Japan not too long ago.

I don't know how all seven of the guys can handle such scary situations, but I'm just glad their company tries to make sure they're safe as much as they possibly can.

Hoseok unlocks the door, and when he opens it, he lets me enter first with him following right behind me, locking the door once we are both inside. It's dark inside for a moment until he switches the lights on. We both take off our coats and place them on his coat rack and we slip our shoes off, leaving them by the door.

When I turn around, what I see in front of me, in his living room, makes my eyes light up.

"Hoseok, what is all of this?!" I ask, shocked at the decorations he has all over his living room. I walk around the space to study the colorful foil streamers hanging against his walls, colorful foil balloons scattered about, as well as a bunch of noisemakers, 2021 party glasses and Happy New Year hats- one in pink and the other in purple. Next to those party favors, he has a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice.

"Roxy, I had one of our group's assistants, Chulsan, come in with a spare key, so he could decorate the place. I know it's not easy to spend New Years without your family, so I wanted to make it extra special for you." He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and my back rests against his firm body.

"Hobi! This is amazing!" I keep looking around, in awe as my eyes continue to look around the place.

"Also, remember how I asked you a couple days  ago about what you wanted to have for dinner for New Years Eve and you said you just wanted a bunch of junk food?" I feel his warm breath against my neck as he spoke.

I turn my body so that I'm facing him, still in his arms, curious about what kind of cuisine he got for us. "What did you get for dinner?!"

"I had Chulsan pick up pizza, corn dogs and a lot of chips and candy that are popular in Korea!" Hoseok shares with me then gives me the cutest grin that showcases his dimples, making me melt. I move closer and kiss one of his dimples making the man smile even brighter.

"Hobi, what did I do to deserve all of this?! You're amazing," I say softly into his ear, hoping he can tell how much I appreciate what he has planned for us tonight. I've never had a man go all out of his way like this for me.

"Roxy, I know we met just this September. But, I was drawn to you the moment we met in Gwanju. I got to know you, and I like you in my life." What he says is simple but the sincerity in his voice makes my heart flutter.

I wrap my arms around his neck and I tilt my head and plant my lips against his soft, perfect ones. I intended on just giving him a short, sweet kiss, but, once our lips are connected, Hoseok deepens it.

Hobi's tongue glides on my lower lip, causing me to part my lips enough for him to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues tangle with one another and I involuntarily moan into his mouth.

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