mr.karb/SpongeBob talk/escape from city

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( we then see Alvin in police station )

Mr.krabs: * distorted voice * wake up

Alvin: ugh

Mr.krabs: come on wake up where are the master builder's how did you find the piece of resistance eh where are the other's hiding

Alvin: good morning apartment?

Mr.krabs: wake up

Alvin: ah

Mr.krabs: how did you find the piece of resistance

Alvin: the piece of what?

Mr.krabs: the piece of resistance

( Then mr.krabs throw the flashlight and kick his chair )

Alvin: I I don't where am I what's happening

Mr.krabs: what's happening ( then he close to Alvin ) playing dumb master builder

Alvin: no I master builder

Mr.krabs: oh so you've never heard of the prophecy

Alvin: no

Mr.krabs: or the special

Alvin: no no

Mr.krabs: you're a lair we'll kill you ( then he's fighting the chair )

Alvin: look um ( mr.krabs still fight the chair ) I watch a lot of cop shows on tv ( mr.krabs still fight the chair ) isn't there supposed to also be--- ( Mr.krabs still fight the chair ) isn't there supposed to be a good cop ( then Alvin dodge the chair )

Mr.krabs: oh yes but we're not done yet ( then switch to SpongeBob )

SpongeBob: hi buddy I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer would you like a glass of water

Alvin: yeah yeah actually

( Then SpongeBob switch back to mr.krabs )

Mr.krabs: too bad ( he punch glass  of water ) security cameras picked up this ( then he turn on the tv ) you were found at the construction site convincing with a strange piece

Alvin: that's disgusting

Mr.krabs: then why is it permanently stuck to your back

Alvin: ( look behind his back ) ah ( tries to get off him ) get it off me get off me ahh it won't come off it's chasing me look it's not my fault I have no idea how this thing got on my back

SpongeBob: of course buddy I believe you

Alvin: great ( look at me.krabs ) ahh

Mr.krabs: I believe you too you see the quotations I'm making with my claw hands it means I don't believe you ( then he leans on Alvin ) why else would you show up with that thing on your back just three days before Ian is going to use the kragle to end the world

Alvin: Ian is gonna end the world but he's such a good guy and octan they made good stuff ( music,dairy products,coffee,tv shows, surveillance systems,all history books,voting machines ) wait a minute

Mr.krabs: come on you can't be this stupid

Alvin: this is a misunderstanding I'm just a regular normal ordinary chipmunk I'm late to meet my best friends in the whole world they're probably missing me right now they're probably out looking around ( hey where's Alvin,hey where's my best friend Alvin ) hey you know what ask all my friends they'll tell you

Me.krabs: oh we asked them all right ( then he turn on the tv ) boom

Mike: that guy's not a criminal Mastermind

The character movie ( Lego movie parody )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora