the wild west/at the office/ erase spongebob

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( the scene changed to the wild west then Alvin and Brittany fall from the sky Brittany slide perfect but Alvin faceplant on the ground)

Alvin: *screams* ( then he stop ) wait we're are we

( Then the title appear in the sky )

Alvin: this is so weird ( then he got hit by cactus ) ow

Brittany: you're not the special you lied to me

Alvin: it really kind of depends on

Brittany: you're not even a master builder are you

Alvin: ( then he got up ) uh I mean I know  what a master builder is why don't you tell me what it is that way I could see if you're right

Brittany: you've ruined the prophecy

Alvin: look I'm sorry okay you just-- you made being special sound so good

Brittany: and to think I was going to follow you to the end of the universe

Alvin: you were here's the thing how do we know for sure that I'm not the special we just don't know it yet

Brittany: *whispers* quiet

Cowboy: y'all want a giant turkey leg

Cowboy 2: do you have any idea what that does to your colon

( Then Brittany take down two cowboys )

Alvin: oh my g-o-s-h

Brittany: just put the on ( give Alvin a hat ) oh and this ( give Alvin a scarf ) and this ( give Alvin a mustache ) and this ( give Alvin a gun ) and this ( and then give Alvin a horse )

Alvin: ah

Brittany: and by the way I have a boyfriend

Alvin: uh I'm not sure exactly why you'd bring that up

Brittany: it's super serious you do not want to mess with him

Alvin: okay

Brittany: so don't get any ideas ( she gets on the horse )

Alvin: I never have any ideas ( then he chase the horse ) wait

Robber 1: stick them up

Robber 2: hands where I can see them

Alvin: hey uh listen you think you can explain why I'm dressed like this and what those big words in the sky were all about and like where we are in time

Brittany: your home Los Angeles is one of many realms in the universe there's also this one pirates cove, knights club,vikings landing,clown town a bunch of others we don't need to mention

Alvin: mm-hm

Brittany: Ian or as you think you know him Ian ( while Brittany tell stories Alvin was daydreaming ) stole the kragle the most powerful object in the universe blah blah blah proper name place name backstory stuff piece of resistance is the special

Alvin: mm-hm

Brittany: I'm so pretty I like you but I'm angry with you for some reason tower at the end of the universe

Alvin: mm-hm

Brittany: put the piece of resistance onto the kragle and disarm it forever

Alvin: ( back to normal ) great I think I got it but just in case tell me the whole thing again I wasn't listening

Brittany: okay all the people of the universe were once free to travel and mingle and build whatever they wanted but Ian was confused by all the chaos so he erected walls between the world's and became obsessed with order and perfection and he stole the mysterious secret super weapon called

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