meet splinter/enter Alvin's brain

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( we then see bar brawl )

Brittany: all you have to do is blend in and act like you belong here

Alvin: ah perfect * in southern drawl * well hi there I'm a cowboy bang bang bang-bang-bang-bang ( made bar stop ) shoot shoot shoot bullet bullet gun zap zap zap pow zap pow * in normal voice * what are they looking at

Brittany: I made a mistake you should just be still act like a stool wait

Alvin * in southern drawl * howdy guys come sit on me

Brittany: quiet nope stools don't talk okay shh let me show you how it's done * spits *

Man: what a lady ( bar brawl resume )

Brittany: okay let me just find the ninja and get this over with

Alvin: * look around * ohh

Brittany: there he is past splinter

Splinter: who I've never heard of that man whom I am not * Alvin got distracted * who are you

Brittany: it's me

Splinter: I am a blind man and cannot see

Brittany: it's pink chipette

Splinter: are you a DJ

Brittany: what why does everybody

Splinter: oh wait wait are you the student I used to have who was so insecure she kept changing her name

Brittany: no no no

Splinter: first darkstorm then geminizzle

Brittany: no never

Splinter: then never smile then freak face then snazzypants

Brittany: okay all right yes

Splinter: * whispers * meet me upstairs in 10 seconds ( he ran to the door )

* 10 seconds later *

Alvin: oh man you have a very weirdly decorated place

Splinter: thank you

Brittany: splinter we have found the piece of resistance

Splinter: is it true

Brittany: yes but--

Splinter: pink chipette the prophecy states that you are the special the embodiment of good foiler of evil the most talented most brilliant most important person in the universe

Brittany: that would be great but Alvin is the one who found the piece ( splinter look at Alvin who took off his cowboy outfit )

Splinter: oh okay Alvin the prophecy states that you are the special the most talented

Brittany: I'm not sure he's the special because he's not even a master builder watch Alvin just given what's around you build something simple

Alvin: okay

Brittany: like an awesome race car

Alvin: great

Brittany: go

Alvin: do you have the instructions

Splinter: no you must create the instructions in your mind my liege

Alvin: ah okay race car * look around nothing come up * um well there's a lot of really cool stuff here don't see a wheel or three more wheels

Brittany: see he can't do it he will never be a master builder ( made Alvin sad )

Splinter: of course not not if you keep telling him he can't he needs to see that he can

Alvin: what are you doing

Splinter: we are entering your mind

Alvin: what

Splinter: to prove that you have the unlocked potential to be a master builder ujjayi breath

( Then we enter Alvin brain )

Alvin: whoa are we inside my brain right now it's big I must be smart

Brittany: mm-hm

Splinter: I'm not hearing a lot of activity here

Brittany: I don't think he's ever had an original thought in his life

Alvin: ha ha that's not true for instance one time i wanted to have a bunch of my friends over to watch TV * look at the tv old * not unlike this tv that just showed up magically and not everybody can fit my one couch and I thought to myself what if there was such a thing as a bunk bed but as a couch introducing the double decker couch so everyone could watch TV together and be buddies

Brittany: that is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard

Splinter: please pink chipette let me handle this that idea is just the worst there must be something around here that proves his potential if the man upstairs chose him to be the special there must be a reason

Alvin: who's the man upstairs

Brittany: see he doesn't even know about the man upstairs

Alvin: does he have like super gross hands that look like they're made out of big pink sausages like eagle talons mixed with squid ( that made Brittany and splinter shocked )

Brittany: wait you've seen the

Alvin: whoa that's what I was thinking about

Brittany: how did you

Alvin: I had this weird dream when I touched the piece well I mean I wasn't asleep so it wasn't really a dream

Splinter: Alvin you had a vision

Alvin: I did

Splinter: master builder's spend years training themselves to clear their minds enough to have even a fleeting glimpse of the man upstairs and yet your mind is already so prodigiously empty that there is nothing in it to clear away in the first place with proper training you could become a great master builder

Alvin I could

Splinter: the prophecy chose you Alvin

Alvin: but I can't do any of the stuff that the prophecy say I'm supposed to do

Splinter: all you have to do is to believe then you will see everything are you ready my son

Alvin: yes I am I think

Splinter: then we haven't a moment to lose we must assemble the master builder's

( Meanwhile outside of Alvin mind )

Cowboy: do you think zeppelins are a bad investment

( Door open )

Mr.krabs: any of you seen this guy * holding a Alvin wanted sign*

Sheriff robot: wait a minute partner draw a cowboy hat on him * then mr.krabs draw cowboy hat on Alvin sign *

A/N: that's end of chapter the next chapter we see our heroes have to escape mr.krabs and robots on the wild west and meet Simon see you then

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