splinters death/Alvin sacrifice

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Splinter: 🎵 sneaking around the corner ( but he fell and facepalm )

Ian: splinter I see you've accidentally wandered into my think tank and by the way I found a few of your friends by which I mean all of them

Alvin: sorry

Ian: acceptable work mr.krabs

Mr.krabs: thank you sir

Ian: robots destroy this old man at once

Splinter: did you just call me old

Ian: yeah so what

Splinter: well junebug I really prefer the word experienced ( then he take down robots )

Master builder's: * cheers *

Ian: aha you see Alvin a corrupted spirit is no match for the purity of imagina-- ( but he was stab on the chest )

All: * gasps *

Ian * laughed *

Alvin: splinter no * tear came out Alvin eyes * splinter

Splinter: my sweet Alvin come closer you must know something about the prophecy

Alvin: I know I'm doing my best but I don't

Splinter: the property I made it up

Alvin: what

Splinter: I made it up it's not true

Alvin: but that means I'm just I'm not the special

Splinter: you must listen what I'm about to tell you will change the course of history ( dead )

Alvin: no no

Ian: hey not so special anymore huh well guess what no one ever told me I was special I never got a trophy just for showing up ( then micro-manager got Alvin and put him to the battery ) I'm not some special little snowflake no but as unspecial as I am you are a thousand billion times more unspecial than me robots bring me the sword of exact zero

Robots: yes Ian ( give him exact zero )

Ian: it must be weird one minute you're the most special person in the universe the next minute you're nobody ( then got piece of resistance got off Alvin back ) oh I have a nice spot for this in my relic room ( then he accidentally threw it to the window ) uh oh my mistake there it goes

Brittany: no

Ian: bye bye forever well I guess there's only one thing left to do release the kragle computer

Computer: yes sir

Ian: set the electric shocker to 100 Mississippi

Computer: no problem

Ian: then terminate everyone

Computer: already on it

Ian: Alvin that should give you enough time to witness the first location to be kragled your hometown

Alvin: no

Ian: mr.krabs unfortunately I'm gonna have to leave you here to die

Mr.krabs: what sir

Ian: it's not personal it's just business Ian business ciao

Computer: beginning zapping termination in 99 Mississippi 98 Mississippi 97 Mississippi and so on

( Then the build top come lose and flowing to los Angeles )

Ian: attention everyone this is Ian hello hi welcome to taco Tuesday

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