Chapter Three

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This is what I imagine Ariel looking like. Except her hair is like the girl in the pic of the last chapter.

(Its 11:00 p.m.)
As I walk towards the stage, I feel eyes staring holes into my back. Looks of jealously wash over their faces.

Why are they jealous? Then it hits me.

I get closer to the stage and I see Andy watching my every move. I make it to the stage and I look into Andy's deep, crystal Blue eyes. I feel my heart flutter. He grabs my forearm and pulls me up on to the stage. His arm lingers on mine for a second to make sure I've gotten my balance.

His touch sends shivers up my spine. "Hey," he says nonchalantly. "Hey", I reply. "How did you get here?" He asks suddenly. "I walked by myself," I say thinking nothing of it. "By yourself?" He asks repeating me. "Yes, you dolt." I say slightly annoyed. "So you're walking home alone then, I suppose." He says. Oh WOW. He can make conclusions! "Yes," I say.

"No you're not." He says, leaving no room for refusal. "I'm coming with you." He says. I look at him for awhile, and then decide not to put up a fight.

He leads me backstage and back to where the bands get ready to preform.

Leading me through the maze of doors and hallways, we end up in BVB's room. I walk through the door and see all of Black Veil Brides members. I freeze of happiness and shock. "Hey! Who's that you got there, Andy?" Says Jinxx. "Um, guys, this is Ariel," says Andy. "Nice name, Ariel." Says CC. "Thanks...," I reply in a quiet voice, still shocked. I look around and Jake nods towards me.

"I'm assuming you want an autograph," Jinxx says. I nod slightly. "Well then come closer, we won't bite," says Ashley. "Expect maybe Andy, but you've already met him. So you'll be fine." Says Jake. I smirk a little bit at that. Andy smiles a mischievous smile. I dig through my bag and get a canvas. I had drew Black Veil Brides and lightly shaded them with my sketching pencil.

I walk towards them and hand them the drawing and some pens. They all sign it and hand it back to me. I love it. "Thank you so much," I say with a smile. "No problem," Jinxx says.

We sit and talk for thirty minutes.

I look at the time and realize what time it is. (12:00 pm) "Sh*t." I mutter under my breath. Andy looks at me, obviously hearing me. "What's wrong, Ariel?" Andy says.

"It's nearly midnight and I'm not home..." I say worriedly. "I was supposed to be home right after the concert," I continue. "Hey guys, Ariel has to go." Andy says. They all look up and say there goodbye's.

Andy slides an arm across my back and leads me outside, grabbing a large pocket knife on the way. "What's that for?" I question. "Just in case," he says not going into detail. We walk away from the building and towards the road.

"Where do you live?" he asks. My mind goes blank, thinking about what he just asked me. Andy Biersack just asked me where I lived. Think Ariel! I scold myself. "Um..." I trail off, trying to find the words to say. Why is this so hard?

I finely find the words to say. I tell him my address and lead the way down the street. As we walk, I hear a strange noise down an alleyway to the right of me. I shiver, sensing something that I don't understand. My pulse quickens and I feel Andy tense to the left, next to me.

I look up at him worried. "What was that," I say shakily. He stares at the alley and we stop walking. He looks confused and like there is something dangerous over there.

"Let's go," he says suddenly. I'm confused, but I obey. He quickens our pace, and we are approach another alleyway.

As we pass it I hear another noise. "You can run, but you can't hide," a voice says in a scratchy whisper, followed by an evil laugh.

I stiffen. I walk even faster, with Andy next to me. "What the heck is that?" I say. I now start to notice the coldness in the air. I continue to walk, but then I trip over an object I can't identify.

The ground races towards my face and I scream. Instantly, I feel strong arms wrap around my torso, catching me right before I hit the ground. Andy lifts me into an upright position. I shake with nervousness and relief. "Careful," Andy says.

I hear another noise, this time a sharps hiss, followed by nails scratching a wall. I look ahead and see a dark figure in the shadows. I freeze. "Andy." I say flatly. I look at him and see him staring at what I was staring at.

He looks at me and says, "Ariel, I want you to stay hear. Understand? I'll be right back." He hands me the pocket knife and starts to walk forward. "Andy...." I whisper, worried. He continues to walk, fading into the darkness ahead. It's silent, and I sense something behind me.

I slowly turn around, knife in hand and see a person in a completely black outfit, with a ski mask.

He grabs me and I scream.

Ha ha ha!!! Cliffhanger!
- T0xic_Little_Dancer

When I met AndyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin