Chapter Four

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I flip around and stab my attacker. He flinches and releases me from his iron grip. I stumble backwards and fall to the ground. I glance at my knife and I see that it's coated in blood. I shudder and wipe the blade on my skinny jeans.

"F*ck! That hurt," my attacker whispers sitting on the ground. His voice is strangely familiar.

"Ashley?" I say in astonishment. He nods.

Right at that moment, Andy comes running towards me. He slams Ashley up against a brick wall. He punches him repeatively. He jumps on top of him, pinning him to the ground, and pulls out a knife. He pulls it back, ready to stab.

At that moment I shove myself in between them and take a knife. It barely slices me, because Andy stopped some of his force when he saw me. I yelp, feeling my blood seep through my shirt.

I yank the knife from his hands and chuck it across the concrete. It slides to a stop and Andy stares at me with wild, brilliant blue eyes. "What was that for?" Andy says slightly irritated.

"It's just Ashley!!" I yell. "What?" Andy says, surprised. I rush over to Ashley, who had scooted slightly away. "Are you Ok?" I say to Ashley, examining him.

"Yeah I'm fine, except for the fact that you stabbed me," he says quietly. "I'm so sorry!" I say. I stabbed him in the arm, not too deep since I missed slightly.

"What about you? Your gut is bleeding." He says. "What- oh. Yeah." I reply. I look down at my torso and see my blood. I touch it gingerly, and I cringe slightly. It doesn't hurt too bad. Its not deep, just a slice. Its pretty long though. About an inch & a half. I shrug. "Its nothing." I say.

Andy walks over. "Wow. Such a clever prank, Ashley. Scared the sh*t out of us." Andy says, annoyed. "I didn't think it would turn into this," Ashley says.

I take off my bandana and hand it to Ashley. He wraps it around his arm. I look at the time. It's 12:25 pm. "Well. I'm officially grounded, I say giving a pointed look at Ashley. " What?" He says defensively.

"I need to leave," I say. "Ok let's go." Andy says. "I guess you're coming too then," I say to Ashley. "Yeah." He says.

We head down the street to my house. We arrive 10 minutes later.

I walk up too my front door, with both guys next to me. I say goodbye to them. Ashley nods to me. Andy steps forward slowly and my heart does triple backflips.

He hugs me, careful, as if not to crush me. My eyes go wide and I forget to breathe. I hug back. He let's go and backs away. I take a small breath and smile as they start down the street.

"Wow." I whisper to myself.

I go inside and into my room.

Weirdly my mom is asleep. I put on my pajamas, brush my teeth, and slide into bed.

I dream about what had happened. In full detail and color.

When I met AndyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz