Chapter Five

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(The next day: Saturday at 10:00 am)

I wake up and get this weird feeling to go outside. I open the front door and I see a piece of paper on the porch. I pick it up and stare at it.

Meet me today at the park. Lunchtime. I'll see you there ;)

I head back into my room and open my closet doors. I look in it for for clothes. As I put on my clothes, I cringe as my shirt touches my stomach. The slice across it from last night is huge. It stretches across my stomach starting at the base of my ribs all the way down to  my bellybutton. It's not deep though, so I don't think it needs stitches. I don't think it will get infected either. I decide not to tell my mom about what happened last night.

(Outfit is at the beginning of the chapter)

After that, I walk into my bathroom. I find my first aid kit and pull out a large bandage. I wrap the bandage around my torso after I disinfect it.

Then I do my makeup, straighten my hair, put on my bracelets, and tie my Converse.

I look into the mirror and stare at myself. How can he think I'm pretty? I think to myself. He probably doesn't; he just feels bad for me and wants to make me feel better.

"No!" I shout to myself. "Stop thinking bad thoughts!" Ugh, I'm a mess. "Andy's not like that," I say quieter. And even if he thought I was pretty, he would never date me. Or would he?

I'm so tired of my endless thoughts!

I walk out of the bathroom and go back downstairs. As I enter the kitchen, I scan my surroundings. I see the counters bare, and nothing to eat in the cabinets. I look at the oven and see fresh cinnamon rolls in it.
I perk up, happy that my mom planned ahead. 

The timer has 10 seconds left. I open a drawer and grab a oven mitt. Turning off the timer, I carefully pull out the rolls. I get a whiff of the gooey, soft, sweet, and warm cinnamon rolls.  I sit two on a paper plate and put it in the fridge. I set a timer for 3 minutes on my phone.

"Thanks mom!" I shout up the stairs. "You're welcome honey," she says.

(Three minutes later

I eat the rolls in matter of seconds. Knowing I'm going to be eating lunch in two hours, I decides not to eat much even though I'm still hungry. I clean up and head upstairs.

I pull out my sketching notebook. I flip throughout my previous drawings. I sketch random things for about an hour.

I start to pace my room thinking about Andy. I can't wait to see him. I'm anxious and excited at the same time. I try to control my breathing so I don't flip out.

I look at the time and see that it's 11:55. I grab my stuff and head out the door. As soon as I feel and breathe the fresh air, I feel myself start to calm down. I'm relieved.

Making my way down to the park, my step quickens out of anticipation. I walk through the entrance and look around. Deciding to wait for him at my favorite oak tree, I walk towards it.

As I approach it, I see someone already leaning against it. Someone who is tall, skinny, and mysterious. That someone must be Andy. My heart flutters.

As I get closer, I see him. He finally notices me and his face lights up. I smile at that. "Hey," he says. "Hey," I reply. He grabs my arm and starts to walk. "Where are we going?" I say confused. "To a place to eat," he says still walking. He stops and turns around. "Do you want to come?" he asks me.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I say. "Well I didn't know if you had ate yet, so..." he says trailing off. "I haven't had lunch yet and I'm hungry." I reply. "I assumed that we were going to eat because, after all, it is lunch time."

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