Just A Litte Drunk

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Goku pinned Vegeta to the wall with hands to both sides of him. "Guess what?"

Vegeta made an unamused face and looked up at Goku. "What?"

"I'm an angel in the streets," Goku looked over to Bulma and when she gave him a thumbs up he continued. "And a freak in the sheets." 

Vegeta sighed heavily. "No shit." 

"Welp, you wanna go find a room? This cock ain't gonna suck itself." He smirked in a sexy way -or he thought it was.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "You've had a few to many drinks, so on behalf of sober you, I'm taking you home." 

"But your really hot and Bulma said if I said that you'd be mine!" Goku pouted. "Are you dating someone already?? I'm pretty sure Bulma said you were single-"

Vegeta just stared at Goku. "You idiot. We've been married for ten years.."

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