Chapter 1- Invitation

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'You're invited!' I sighed as i pulled the envelope with big sparkly letters written on it out of the mailbox. Another stupid ball being held by one of those monsters who had nothing better to do. 

'To the Morgan family, on behalf of my daughter, Paige, you are cordially invited to her birthday ball on the 24th of February. Attendence is compulsory due to certain circumstances. Be sure to dress accordingly. Signed, your Alpha Jaxon.'

Pftt, so much for being 'cordially invited'. I thought while trudging back into the old worn out wooden house i call home. I banged close the front door before throwing the envelope on the kitchen table and opening the fridge to grab an apple for breakfast.

"Woah, what has your knickers in a twist dear sister?" My brother, Julian asked while coming out of the bathroom freshly showered.

"Nothing much, only a ball for the Alpha's daughter's birthday in a week. We're required to attend by the way." I glanced into the fridge. "There's no more food. Did they neglect to pay you again?"

"Shit. I'm sorry Julie, I'll think of something." Julian ran his hand through his damp hair. "Maybe there's some leftover money in my wallet. You can take it to buy something to eat."

I glanced at my brother's tired worn out face. For a 23 year old, he had already started to form wrinkles around his pale green eyes that were similar to my own. Ever since the werewolves had deemed that they were the rightful rulers of the world, my brother had been forced to drop out of Yale university even though he was on a law scholarship. He had been assigned to take care of the younger dog pups as their catertaker. My smart, handsome brother who had such a bright future of being a lawyer ahead of him, being reduced to that of a babysitter. One of the many reasons why i hated those monsters called werewolves. Furthermore, his shit werewolf boss, Karl, often refused to pay him claiming that he wasn't taking good care of the pups as they would often return covered in mud. Children were playful, and the new law had prevented my brother from taking any action as a mere human was not allowed to question any decision made by a werewolf. This lead to us not having enough money to provide well for ourselves. He never told me, but I knew that sometimes Julian would go for days without eating in order to be able to give me whatever money we had left for food. Especially since our parents were no longer in this world,we were left to fend for ourselves and he felt as the older sibling he should take good care of me. Even at the expense of himself.

"It's okay Lian. I'll get something from Beth." Beth was my best friend from childhood before the werewolves took over. Being that her parents were doctors, they were still allowed to continue their practice and could manage to somewhat provide for themselves. Knowing my situation, Beth would accassionally bring me things to eat or share with me her food. I couldn't be more grateful to her.

"Are you sure?" He knotted his eyebrows together, showing that he was worried.

"Ya bro. Don't you have work to go to now? It's six now" I informed him, letting out a forced laugh.

"And don't you have school sis? Don't go changing the subject now. But yes i do have to go." He laughed before scurring to his bedroom to grab his things.

I don't even get why we are required to go to high school anyway. No matter our result, humans aren't even allowed to go to university no matter their result, so what's the point? This was another werewolf law that had been implemented. Only werewolves were allowed to go to university. I was the top of my school in every subject except for Gym and Art, but that didn't mean a thing. 

"Stay safe Jules! Love ya!" My brother shouted as he left the front door in a sprint to get to work.

"Love you too." I murmured under my breath before getting ready for school myself. I was 17 this year, and I could not wait to graduate from high school so i could start working to provide for my brother and I better. 

It was extremely lucky that i lived a 30 minutes run away from my high school 'Lakehill High'. One of the first things the werewolfs had done was to get rid of all vehicles that were polluting the environment, claiming that they wanted to save the environment and it was healthier for humans to walk everywhere. Easy for them to say, they could shift into dogs and run faster than a bullet train while humans had to endure every kind of weather, rain or snow, and walk almost everywhere as there were no cars or buses. By the time i had reached school, i was hot and my whole shirt was drenched with my sweat. But i counted myself lucky. Some people who lived further away actually had to run for 2 hours everyday just to reach school in time. 

As i walked into the school heading for my locker, the first thing i noticed were some of the dogs doing mouth to mouth along the halls. The mates. AKA soulmates. It was fine if they had kept to their own species and gone all dog, but no. It first started a week after the werewolves took over that we realised that they didn't keep their paws to their own disgusting species. While a human reporter was at the commencement ceremony broadcasting for the whole state to see, one of the dogs had suddenly appeared out of nowhere grabbed her, looked into her eyes, and the last i had seen her she was pregnant again with her 7th child bearing a huge ass ugly bite mark at the interection where her neck met her left shoulder. Ya, not exactly very pretty. Soon, more and more of the dogs started claiming the humans as their mates and the humans weren't exactly given the freedom of choice. Once identified as a mate to one of the dogs, the dogs being the possessive mutts they were would not let anything seperate them. Some humans accepted this and in fact wanted to be identified as a mate as they thought it was a blessing as all werewolves were almost too beautiful to be real and they could have a better lifestyle.

I shuddered at the thought. Thank God Beth and I had been lucky to not have been 'blessed' with a mate. Upon reaching my locker, i almost gagged at the unpleasant scene in front of me. One of my human friends, Sophie, who was the mate of a werewolf called Blake, was trying to push him away while he was showering her with kisses on her head. She looked extremely frightened and stared at me as if asking for help. 

"Hey, excuse me could you get off my locker. I have to get my books." I interrupted them trying to stop Blake. But instead of moving away the mutt actually had the nerve to glare at me and growl menacingly, tightening his grip on poor Sophie.

"Blake." Sophie squeaked and put her hands on Blake's chest. He immediately seemed to calm down but continued to glare at me. "Let's go." She tugged Blake away while shooting me an apologetic look. 

I stared at them till they were out of sight, thanking God once again that I was not a mate to any dog. "Hey Julie! Did you get an invitation to Paige's birthday ball?" I jumped as i felt a hand on my shoulder. "Oh my God Beth! You almost scared me to death!" I exclaimed as I put my hand to my heart. "And yes, can you believe it? Why are we even required to attend it? It's not like the dogs actually want any humans to come and 'pollute' their environment!"

"SHHH!!.." Beth shushed me with her eyes wide, glancing around to see if any of the dogs had heard. Luckily they were too busy focusing on their mates to have given a damn about some humans speaking. "Are you trying to die here? Don't say these things so loudly! I know you don't like them, but still!" Beth whisper yelled. "Anyways rumors are that someone very important is coming to the ball and everyone is required to go in case they are a mate to anyone!"

"What! There is no way that i am going to be anyone's mate so what's the point of going? God would not be so cruel as to make me be a mate to one of those mutts!" 

Beth sighed. "But if you are at least you won't have to worry about them cheating on you. Anyways, I'll lend you one of my dresses to wear, so make sure you come to my house the day of the ball! The venue is right next to my house so at least we wouldn't be sweating and smelly when we reach the ball! Ask your brother to come too, he can borrow a suit from my father."

"Thanks Beth! I don't know what i would do without you!"

She rolled her eyes. "Just make sure you don't get killed before the ball with that big fat mouth of yours, okay? Come on, let's get to homeroom."

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