Chapter 5- Answers

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"You better have an explanation for this, Ol' Elder" Thaddeus growled. 

After I had politely requested to sit with the beautiful blonde angel, the mutt had changed into his monster form and tossed me onto his furry back, and ran for a few hours through winding routes, leaving me breathless clutching onto his fur coat as tightly as I could to prevent me from falling. 

I was not happy. Not happy at all.

He had carried me into this old smelly shack in the middle of nowhere that smelled of something suspiciously like piss.

The old man that looked like he was ready to turn into his grave anytime soon had been sleeping in his cot when Thaddeus had barged in, demanding for answers. He had took his time stroking his long curly eyebrow, and signalled for Thaddeus to change back into his human form all while brewing some Jasmine tea and humming to the tune 'Mary had a Little lamb'.

"Now, now wolf boy, calm your balls down or I'll have to pour some of this delicious hot tea down your pants, hehehehe." The old man cackled, dancing around his old shack.

I joined in his cackle. He seemed like a funny odd thing, but I liked him. Maybe he would be able to get me out of my current predicament.

"I have no time for jokes, Bokes. I want an answer now!" Thaddeus growled menacingly, pitch black eyes glaring at the old man.

"Alright wolf boy. Jeez the older you grow the less fun you are. Remember when you were 101 years of age and you decided to dance 'Mamma Mia' around your Mama-"

"Bokes! I know you know what's going on. Why the hell is my mate attracted to another? Am I NOT the one for her?"

"Okay fine, wolfy. No need to get so impatient." The old man sighed, and took a brought his tea cup to his wrinkled mouth. "SLURRRPP" 

Wow, that was one long loud sip.

"URGH," Thaddeus growled before smashing his fists onto the table. "Tell me now." He spoke softly, but his voice deep and full of threats.

"Calm your tits, looks like someone forgot their tampons today." I scoffed out.

Thaddeus quickly swerved his head to me, whimpering, his eyes full of hurt at the insult. "I would have you know, I am a hundred percent man. No actually fifty percent man the other half of me is pure wolf." 

"Is your wolf the girl then?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No! He is a boy, man, animal boy URGH!" Thaddeus threw his hands up, struggling to find a correct term.

"I like you. What's your name child?" The old man asked me.


"Julie." The monster whispered, almost in awe of hearing my name. "It fits you so well. A beautiful name for my beautiful mate."

"Well Julie, by any chance are you a mixling?" 

My eyes bulged out of their sockets so much I was afraid they would come rolling out. "A what?!"

"The hell is a mixling?!"

"That means you have both human and werewolf blood in you, but your human blood is more predominant than your werewolf blood."

"How in the world did you come to that conclusion?!"

Even Thaddeus looked totally in shock. "I never thought about that possibility..." He mumbled.

"Yes, wolf boy. That's the only reason I could think of for this. It's a play of fate." The old geezer started another long sip of his tea.

This time I was the one impatient, wanting, no demanding for answers.

"Well continue, old geezer! So what if I'm this 'mixling', which I'm pretty sure I'm not."

"SLURRPP. Dear Julie, there is no need to get angry. I'm just stating a possibility." He placed his tea cup daintily on his lap. "It just explains why you seem to be attracted to another though you have a mate. Your werewolf blood side of you is mated to Thaddeus, while the human side of you is Leonard's mate." He took another 'sip' of his tea.

I took awhile to digest this information. So the reason why I was so attracted to the blonde angel was because my human side was his mate while this werewolf blood that I had no knowledge of having was mated to the mutt? This was just too confusing. 

"Well Julie's my mate. She's mine only. How do I get rid of this human side of hers?" Thaddeus questioned, coming over to me and buried his face into the curve of my neck. 

That ass! He would never be able to get rid of my human side, what kind of question was that?!

"It's simple really. You only need to kill her."


"I'm just joking. Jeez, can no one take jokes these days? Youngsters..." The old man rolled his eyes, before starting to snore.

Did he seriously fall asleep? I gasped. I needed to learn that skill of sleeping in the middle of conversations. Then I would be able to ignore the people who were getting annoying. 

Just then, the door suddenly banged open and in stepped in the blonde angel man who turned out to be my mate but only the mate of my human side because I had another side that was part werewolf who was mated to the mutt. 

Damn, even thinking that was confusing as hell. 



Haha I know some people were quite confused from the last chapter, so I hope this chapter manages to clear some things up. 

Should I make chapters longer or frequently post shorter chapters? Hmm...

Anyways, hope you'll enjoyed the chapter! All of you are bae *HUGS*

By the way, any recommendations of some werewolf-romance books that I should give a try? Hehe I ran out of things to read XD

Lots and lots of happiness and rainbows~~~

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