Chapter 6- Decisions

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"Leonard," Thaddeus growled out as soon as he saw the angel standing at the door. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be taking care of what happened at the ball?"

"I left Ace to it." Leonard eyes swept across the room until it found mine. His eyes lit up and his pearly whites gleamed as he smiled at me.

How can someone's teeth be so white and straight??

"Then why did you come here? Return to the hotel." Thaddeus ordered, his deep voice echoing around the small room, dark grey eyes narrowing.

"Brother, I believe I deserve some sort of answer too." Leonard stared at me, his beautiful blue eyes shining with admiration as he stared at me in a trance-like state. "Why am I attracted to my own brother's mate?

""Well, the old man had said that I'm probably a mixling or something." I hurriedly explained. I didn't want Leonard to be kept in the loop and feel bad about the way he felt about me. 

"I thought so," Leonard sighed, running his hands over his silky hair. "A mixling? Now, that's rare, we haven't had those in a few hundred years. Usually when a were and human mate, their child takes either race, not both..." He mumbled, eyebrows furrowing. He looked to be deep in thought and I admired his features from afar. 

Just then, the old man suddenly opened one eye and leapt out of his armchair. "Leonard! You finally came to visit me! Did you come to read to Uncle Bokes to sleep?" The old man woke up from his sleep, a wide smile split his old ashen face and he bounced over to Leonard's side before throwing his arms around his broad shoulders.

"Good evening, Elder Bokes. I am sorry that my brother and I have come to disturb you so late into the night. I promise that if the situation wasn't so serious, I would have left it till the morning." Leonard pulled away from the old man Bokes, bowing down in respect.

"No need to be like this Lolo! I'm elated that you finally came to visit your ol' uncle Bokes. What if I had died? I'm getting old you know." The elder wiped away tears and sniffed loudly, before using the sleeve of Leonard's shirt to wipe his face.

I chuckled at how cute Leonard's horrified expression was. The black-haired mutt, however, was getting rather impatient.

"ENOUGH. Stop fooling around.  Bokes, you were in the middle of telling how to end my mate's bond to Leonard." Thaddeus bellowed while emitting a dark aura. 

"Stop fooling around." The old man rolled his eyes and sticked out his tongue as he imitated Thaddeus in a shrill voice.

But my attention was focused on the beautiful blonde. Leonard eyes had turned a magnificent shade of dark blue. "Thaddeus, what do you mean by that?" The room suddenly turned colder a notch or two. I covered my hands over my bare arms. Wearing a sleeveless dress was not such a good idea.

"Exactly what part of it did you not understand, dear brother?" Thaddeus calm but menacing voice scared even me.

"You can't just end the bond between my mate and I. The mating bond is sacred, blessed to us by the moon goddess. It's not something that you can mess with." Leonard said, as the room started getting colder every second and I shivered violently. Was it just me or was it getting cold in here?

"Control yourself Leonard! You're making my mate cold!" Thaddeus growled out as he enveloped me into a hug. My cheeks started to warm as I leaned into his firm chest that was radiating heat.

Leonard's face turned pale and he immediately closed his eyes, seemingly calming himself down. "Forgive me, dear Julie. It won't happen again." His blue eyes glared at the floor, as if ashamed of himself. The room turned warm again and I stopped shivering. However, I was confused. It was said that their species had only the usual enhanced senses, strength, height and looks. No one had mentioned anything about them having other abilities. 

As if sensing my confusion, Thaddeus whispered into my neck as he placed soft kisses onto it. "No need to be frightened sweetie, it's because we're Royals. All werewolves who have the Royal blood has another ability of sorts. In Leonard's case, he is able to control the flow of time of inanimate objects." He growled deeply. "Although it seems that after all these years, he still is not able to control his powers properly." 

Oh, so that was it. No wonder they were able to win the humans so easily even though we had nuclear weapons and advanced technology. The Royals must have used their ability to defend themselves and attack us without us humans even realising they had these other abilities. I had to give them credit, whichever monster in charge of the war had some thinking capacity. 

"Don't go ignoring me now! You can't barge into my home in the middle of the night waking me up and ignore me to start cuddling your mate." The old man huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted. 

It was then I realised that I was still in Thaddeus arms and he was very much inside my personal space. I immediately tried to push him away but to no avail. His strong arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me onto his lap. 

"I can't help that my mate smells so good." Thaddeus chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on top of my forehead. 

Holy shit. He was going to eat me for supper. 

"Let go of her." Leonard boldly strode forward, and tugged me away from Thaddeus, his eyes flashing from blue to a deep honey-golden. 

"No." Thaddeus growled back childishly, pulling me back into his arms. I felt like a rope that they were playing tug-of-war with. And nobody likes being pulled back and forth. I used all my strength and pulled away from the both of them. Now that my head was finally getting a gist of the situation, I had to make a choice no matter how hard it was going to be. My priority now would be to get back to Julian, and protect Beth.

I was a human, no matter what anyone said. I lived like a human all my life, loved my only brother more than anything and thought of Beth like a sister. It didn't matter that I was this freak of nature mixling. It didn't matter that I was wildly attracted to the blonde angel. It didn't matter that the mutt who was my other mate was the Alpha King. My mind had made a decision, and no matter how badly my heart ached, this was what I had to do. 

"Look, let's settle it now." I slowly walked backwards to the door as both the two Royal werewolves stared at me with their eyes wide open, feet planted on the ground waiting to hear what I was going to say. 

I knew of the chant that could end this. My mother had sang it to me every night before tucking me into bed, as if it was a sort of lucky charm that could chase away bad dreams. Werewolves had been rejected back in the human era, and they banned the circulation of the rejection chant as soon as they took over. How my mother had known, I never knew, but I could not be more grateful for it than now. 

" O' spirit and fate has binded us so,
  Hear my voice as the wind blows,
  As I release the bonds blessed to me,
  And I, Julie Morgan, will swiftly go."
I chanted in one breath, before turning on me heels and running, my only thought to escape.I had to escape, and the woods outside would be a good place to hide since werewolves can't climb trees. I had to escape. Quickly.

 As everyone knows, a werewolf who has lost his mate through death, would never love again and eventually become crazy. A werewolf rejected, however, would become insane, and do anything in his power to keep his mate my his side.

And having rejected two Royals, there was no way I was sticking around to find out the consequences of my actions. 

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