Chidori Ikegami x Reader ~ Ramen!

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(Author's Note: Listen, I know I'm supposed to be doing you guys' requests right now but, this women made me fall in LOVE!!! SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ACTUAL PERSONALITY YET! HELP MEEE! (┬┬﹏┬┬))

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(Author's Note: Listen, I know I'm supposed to be doing you guys' requests right now but, this women made me fall in LOVE!!! SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ACTUAL PERSONALITY YET! HELP MEEE!

You stood and watched the play currently being performed by Chidori Ikegami and Daichi Suzuki. You were particularly focused on Chidori...with a red face. You've been rather attached to her ever since she started going here. You're one year above her but she seems to act older than you. You liked that about her, how she stayed so calm during bad situations, how she acted so mature and feisty but cute at the same time, how she's a perfect person to go to when you're looking for advise, your list on about her being the most pleasant member of the club, but those were a few of the main reasons you had a MONSTER crush on her. You obviously, being a total coward, didn't show any signs of liking her. Or at least, that's what you thought. Because everyone in the drama club knew and you were aware of this, but, you somehow managed to get them to keep it a secret at least until you confess to her. 

Moving on, you were focused on her, even though Daichi was the one playing the lead role and all the attention was supposed to be on him. You just stared and stared at Chidori even when she wasn't saying any of her lines until the practice was over for the day. You waited for Chidori to come from the backstage. The drama club's activity had ended about fifteen minutes early because all the members either had homework or an assignment to finish. You weren't in any club yet and were still deciding between the drama and the science club, so you preferred to observe. Chidori walked out as you went straight to her.

"Ikegami-chan! Do you wanna hang out at my place after school today? FOR THE PROJECT! I mean. Y'know, since we partnered up with each other?" You quickly 'corrected' yourself as you rubbed to back of your neck. Chidori giggled before she replied,
"Of course. Though, I think I left one of my books in my classroom...I'll go get it right now."
"You mean...this one?" You smirked as you pulled out Chidori's science book from your back. Chidori seemed more surprised than anything.
"How did you get that?" she asked, curious.
"One of your friends handed it to me and told me to give it to you before she just left for her club." you explained as she nodded.
"Well, thanks. Anyway, let's get going, shall we?" She smiled as she turned to the door and walked towards and out of it while you followed her lead.

Setting: Your House

Time: 5:33

" how do you wanna make this?" Chidori asked looking at you while you placed glue on the floor next to the other things.
"Well...I can search for the information, you write it all down since you have a prettier handwriting than me. After that, I'll handle the rest of the decorations and you can be the one to recheck the spelling and see if it's all correct." You explained, you focused on the items you had near you to make sure you got everything. You finally looked up to see Chidori slightly blushing before she cooed,
"Aww! You think I have a good handwriting?" You blushed in return and nodded your head. Chidori let out another silent 'Aww.' In appreciation before giving you a warm smile while you returned it before looking back at the papers and handing them to Chidori. She took them and you started using some text books, newspapers, and magazines for the information. Whenever you found something, you handed the newspaper, magazine, and/or text book to Chidori so that she could write it down.
"Should I write in cursive orrr..." Chidori trailed of waiting for your answer. You didn't take your eyes off of the article you were reading.
"You can decide. I know it's gonna be good either way." You said, completely oblivious to the fact that you were kinda...sorta...flirting. You didn't notice Chidori blush more as she nodded.

You two stayed silent for a little while until you looked up from the magazine to see Chidori writing neat but fast.
"Are you getting tired Chidori?" You asked, slightly worried.
"Just a bit." She shrugged as she kept her pen down and stretched. You, of course thought it was cute for some reason. (SIMP.) You got up.
"Maybe we should take a little break. You hungry?" You asked. Chidori nodded.
"Well then...LET'S GO MAKE SOME RAMEN!" You yelled excitedly even though you've never touched a stove in your life because of your dad's overprotectiveness. Luckily, he wasn't home because he also knew about your crush (Pretty much everyone knew but Chidori somehow didn't. Dunno how that works.¯\_(ツ)_/¯) on Chidori and that you were always desperately trying to look cool in front of her. So, he just left you to the desperate flirting because he liked Chidori and supported your little crush on her.
Chidori giggled and got up as well before you led her to the kitchen even though she knew where it was.

Once you two reached the kitchen, you opened up a cabinet and got the ramen out before placing it on the counter top. You liked ramen but the fact that Chidori is the one you're gonna be cooking it with, just made your day. Chidori had been at your place a fair amount of times and already knew where the dishes, utensils and cups where kept. She walked to the big drawer and pulled out a pot and poured some water into it before place the pot on the stove.
"Alright, let's get started!" You stated as Chidori nodded. You put the ramen into the boiling water and just...stared at it for a while, not knowing what to do. Chidori grabbed a big spoon and began to stir the ramen to spread it apart. She took the spoon out of the pot and placed it on the counter.

"This'll take a while to cook. Do you wanna talk until it's done?" Chidori asked. You couldn't stop yourself from eagerly nodding. You both sat down on the in the dining table and talked for a while until Chidori pulled out a conversation you weren't expecting.
"L/n, I wanted to tell you...I might have a crush on someone..." she said. You didn't seem to react at first.
"Oh...Okay, who is it?" You asked, not wanting to sound rude.
"Not telling you yet. But, L/n, if I were to ask my crush out, what should I say or do?" she blankly asked. You didn't understand what she meant by that but decided to answer anyway.
"Maybe just casually ask them to hang out?" You said, not knowing where this conversation was going. Chidori nodded and stood up.
"Well, would you like to 'hang out' Y/n?" she winked at you while you registered what she just said. Once you snapped back to reality and realized that you crush just asked you out, you went completely red. Chidori chuckled before saying.
"It's alright if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to try."
"NO! I mean...yes..." You hesitantly answered.
"'ll go out with me?" Chidori asked surprised.
"Y-Yeah...uh...I think...No...I feel the same way..." You replied again.
"...So, it's a date! ...We can go wherever you want!" Chidori said, excited. You smiled softly at her gleeful expression.
" I think the ramen is done..." You changed to subject.
"Oh yeah. Stay here! I'll handle it!" Chidori said before running off to the direction of the kitchen. You stayed where you are and waited. Chidori came back with two bowls of ramen in both her hands and placed them on the table. You both ate before going back to doing the project.

(Author's Note: Okay, that's all I got- :'[)

Word Count: 1334

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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