dont die here

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~~Carl's POV~~

I walk into the kitchen, holding Y/N's hand i look over to her and smile. "Hey Y/N?" I ask her chuckling a bit. "Yes?" She replies. "I love you." I say pulling her close to me for a hug. 'I love you too Carl." She giggles a bit and i ask her if she wants to go outside, she nods and we walk out of the camp and she lets go of my hand, running over to the tree and sitting under it, patting the spot next to her, signaling me to come sit next to her. I sit down and her lays her head on my shoulder. "Can we be this happy forever?" she whispers to me and i look over to her. "Of course we can." I smile and yawn, i hear moaning from behind the tree, I swiftly stand up and get my gun in hand, the walker limped comer to me and i drop my gun, getting out my knife, going up to it, holding it by the shoulder and stabbing it hard in the head. As i turn around i see more walkers, hesitently i pick up my gun, the walkers all limp closer and closer i see Y/N shivering and holding her knees close to her chest. I get mad and BOOM BOOM BOOM!! I shoot all the walkers in the head. I shake off and hear Y/N screaming "AHHHH!!!" My eyes widen and i spin look down to Y/N who has been bit in the arm, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie and Rick come out of the camp and look at Y/N "HELP HER MICHONNE HER YOUR SWORD READY!!!" I scream, tears flowwing out of my eyes, i kneel down, take off my belt and fasten it around Y/N's arm, stabbing the walker in the head than was getting to close. "Dont worry Y/N everything is gonna be okay." I grab her arm and her eyes widen "CARL NO!!" She screams as Michonne hacks off her arm, looking at the detached limb and the blood, the shock made her pass out. I cried out and patched up her arm. "Please don't die here..." I place my hat onto her head, picking her up and carrying her to our room. 

~~~6 Hours later~~

~~Y/N's Dream~~

I walk into a dark room and see Carl sitting on a broken chair. "...Carl?" I ask as he looks up and me i saw tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks. "Carl..?" The room lit up and there were walkers, Carls body began to decompose and his arms and shoulders were covered with bites, he slowly began to become a walking towards me, i began to reach for my gun, only to realize that it wasn't there. I collapsed onto the ground crying as Carl fell onto me, biting off my arm, i screamed and everything went black.

~~Y/N's POV~~

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed, waking from my nightmare, Carl was sitting at the edge of the bed, i looked down to the nub that was once my arm. Carl turned around and looked over me to make sure that i was okay. "Y/N!!! I can't believe it, your okay!! The only other person who has ever survived a bite was Herschal!!" He hugged me tight and i smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay Carl, don't worry about me.. I just miss my arm.." I say as he gets back up. "Yeah sorry we had to do that.. we wanted to keep you alive.." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, nervously. "Don't worry, its fine, i understand." I say, giggling lightly. We get up off the bed and go to the kitchen to see everyone else sitting and drinking coffee accept for Daryl who was drinking a warm beer. They all looked up at me and smiles and ha;f of them said "Y/N! I'm so glad your okay!" I smiled and nodded, Herschal patted me on the back and said "Congratulations kid, another surviver." We then fist bumped and i got some coffee from the pot and sat down at the table with everyone else, they were talking about something that i didn't understand. I giggled and got up, walking over to Carl and poking him on the nose. "boop!" I msiled as he pulled me in for a hug. "I love you so much!" He yells out and I respond with "I love you too Carl, i always have and  i always will."

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