my fiance? not anymore

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~~Y/N's POV~~

I look across the table into Carl's shimmering blue eyes that were reflecting in the moonlight, i knew we were destined to be together. "Soo" He said slowly, blushing. "Yeeess?" I said slower and he giggled. "Your mine now huh?" "Always have been as it seems to be." He gave as small side smirk and got up from his chair, went over to the sink and punched it, his face went red and he held his hand making a face of pain. "Oww! Damn sink WHY DON'T YOU WORK!!" He wept with no tears and i looked at him. "Carl we all wish we could have some water. But sadly we cant, there isn't any left that's not infected." He sighed a long, deep and slow sigh and walked up the stairs to our room. I unwillingly follow him, it was life my legs were controlling themselves and i wasn't moving then by my self at all, it made a chill run up my spine, it gave me a slight shiver and i reached the room. "What use is there for me other than you? there's no one left alive for us to grow up with and hang out with a little neighborhood." He kneeled down and told my only hand. "I love you Y/N L/N" I giggle. "I know Carl and i love you too."

~~Carl's POV one week later~~

Today's the big day... our wedding, everyone says we're to young to be married but we don't mind them. We don't care with they think. Glenn puts his hand on my shoulder and looks down at me. "I'm proud of you little man." We chuckle and i take m place in the old, beat up church. As funny as it was, Tyreese was wedding us. I looked down at myself, i looked great. Everyone was seated and in their place on either side of the pews. Slowly but surely the music starts to play as Beth plays the organ. And in walks Maggie with her arms intertwined with the most amazing few i have ever seen in my entire life. I was stunned, i hadn't noticed but my jaw was dropped so wide that is was practicly touching the ground, i was simply stunned. She slowly walked down the isle at the pace of the music ad she eventually got up to where i was. "Hey.." She whispers with a soothing high voice. I wink back at her and Tyreese starts the seremony. After at least five minutes he starts the good part. "Do you Carl Grimes take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife" I simply answer. "I do." She smiles and i smile back. "Do you Y/N L/N take Carl Grimes to be your lawfully wedded husband. After a second she answers with. "I do." Lizzie brought up the rings and i carefully slipped one onto Y/N's cold finger. She slipped the other on my finger and with that Tyreese said "you may now kiss the bride." I pull Y/N in to a hug as tight as it can get and i intertwine my lips with hers. Everyone in the church cheered as we walk out and begin our honey moon this was a truly magic time, i once had a fiance but now i have a wife.

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