for all you who keep begging for a new chapter

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~~Carl's POV~~

   Since the wedding things have been going pretty good. I'm 17 now. it's funny to think that someone my age would actually get married. And it's even more crazy that it happened in the apocalypse. 

Well. back to the story at hand..

I walked down the dark, graveled road across the back path of a small, abandoned town. I looked to my side, seeing Y/N chatting with Maggie. I looked to my other side, i saw Daryl, his head hung low and the smoke from his cigarette puffed in front of his face, from the look he had on his face, it was obvious that his mind was blank, he was staring at the ground. I raised an eyebrow and stepped over to him. "Ey Daryl, you alright..?" I asked, but of course i wasn't expecting an answer. To my surprise he nodded taking the cigarette out of his mouth, he dropped it on the ground and stomped out the bud. His face portrayed a lazy expression. He took my hat and ruffled up my hair. I frowned and fixed my hair, grabbing my hat and putting it gingerly back onto my head. "Quit playin' around Daryl.." 

I forgot to mention earlier, we were on our way to a far off town, we needed somewhere else to go, somewhere else to stay.. and anyways. We needed more supplies.

Off in the distance we saw a town. When i looked at it my face shot with excitement. I quickly grabbed Y/N's hand, I started running with her. We got there before the rest of the group. There was an old dried up water fountain in the middle of the town. We sat down around it and waited for the rest of the group. Once the rest of them there we all started looking for supplies. We split up into groups of three. Me, Y/N and Daryl were once group, My dad, Glenn and maggie were another. Tyreese, Carol and Beth were the last group.

My group went into a larger grey house, Daryl gave us orders. It was my job to go upstairs and look for clothed, batteries and medicine. 

~~Y/N's POV~~

I was told to search the house for any survivors, or  any supplies that we would need. I didn't find much of anything because the house was pretty much scrapped empty. I found a bag of potatoes and some asprin in a cabinet. In about fifteen minutes we met back at the bottom of the stairs. Carl found some comics, a few shirts and some batteries. Daryl found some canned foods and a few bottles of randoms types of medicine. We got all of what we found and put it in a large, black backpack that was lined with a warm out red thread. Carl had found the bag upstairs. Daryl swung it around his shoulder opposite of the one with his crossbow.

We walked out of the house and met up with Rick, Glenn and Maggie. Within the next ten or so minutes Tyreese, Beth and Carol met up with us. We looked at what all of us had found surprisingly e had found quite a lot of stuff all together. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something that i had been dreading for a while. Loud groans filled our ears as a pack of walkers surrounded the town. Left and right the only thing i could was walker after walker after walker. We dropped everything and I grabbed my gun out of my holster, which was buckled around my left thigh. Which was a bit difficult since i only had a right arm. Once i finally got it I was surrounded by walkers. With a lot of trouble i cocked the gun, not fast enough though, a walker grabbed onto my shoulder and out of pure fear i screamed out Carl's name. 

~~Carl's POV~~

I heard Y/N's piercing shriek, my eyes went wide and i shot around, trying to find her.Once i finally did I ripped the walkers away from her, firing my gun at every walker coming our way. After what seemed like forever all the walkers were finally gone. But suddenly it hit me. Beth screamed it was all over...

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