Chapter 1: the meeting

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I am working my usual shift at the diner. It is an 8 hour shift I was 2 hours in so I have a long way to go I then saw two men walk in through the door. One I recognised as my friend Bucky in a nice pair of slacks, button up shirt and slacks. The person beside Buck is small, skinny, and in the same outfit as my dear friend. I was instantly attracted to the smaller one. Not just because Bucky and I go way back and pretty much like siblings but because the smaller one seems to have more of an outgoing personality.

"Steve I'm worried about you out there fighting."

"But Buck I can't stay here and collect scraps while other men are risking there lives."

"Still Steve you have tried numerous times to enlist, when will it be enough?"

The skinnier man, who I now knew as Steve, stayed silent.

"Y/N hey!"

"Hey Bucky how are you?"

"Not to bad, I enlisted and now you are looking at sergeant James Barnes."

"Oh my congratulations sergeant."

"Thank you. Oh Y/N I want you to meet Steve. Steve this is my other best friend Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Steve."

"Nice to meet you too ma'am."

I then took their orders and took it back to the chief. My friend Dorothy noticed I was staring at Steve for a long time.

"Noticed you making eyes on the small one. What do you see in him?"

"He just seems to have an adventureous personality and plus he seems just so kind and considerate unlike the other who walk in here."

"So where does that leave Bucky?"

"Bucky is like my brother and plus he already has a girl."

Just then their food was ready. I brought out to them their food. I also may or may not have slipped Steve my home phone number on a napkin. I then walled back to Dorothy to plan a after work hang out.

~~Steve's POV~~

"What's this?"

"Whats what?"

"Did Y/N write her home phone number on a napkin and gave it to me?"

Bucky then took a look at the number and nodded.

"Yep that's her home phone."

"But...why me?"

"She's more open minded then others and plus she seems to have a sixth scent on telling weither people are bad or good."

"How do you know that?"

"Our Ma's were friends growing up so we were bound to be friends. She is kinda like you, always wanting to help when people don't wanna. Also she has sensed that pass girlfriends of mine were bad news, whiched turned out true."

I looked at my friend stunned. I then looked at Y/N and noticed that she was about to carry a plate of oatmeal to a table. She had a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Buck?"

"Yea Steve?"

"Does Y/N always have that beautiful smile on her face?"

"About 99% of the time."

"What about the other one percent of the time?"

Bucky stayed silent for a minute of contemplating before speaking.

"She lost her ma and pa when she was six or seven. So she went to me and we where pretty much raised together like brother and sister. Some days, though they are rare, she can barely leave the house cause she is re-living her lost. She also had a boyfriend but he died the same as her folks."

I felt bad for Y/N. She didn't deserve this much heart break. I was catching feelings. Fast.

"I'm giving her a call tonight. Hopefully I have enough courage to ask her out for dinner."

"That's my boy. She deserves someone like you."

That statement gave me hope that I might just have a chance. A chance to be with the girl in the blue stripped dress working at the Brooklyn diner.

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