Chapter 6: the letters

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It's been a week and a half since I was discharged. Steve and I have been sending each other letters to make sure the other was ok and talk about our day. I am back at working at the Brooklyn diner but when I'm off I either writing Steve or writing my book. I started writing it about half a year ago. The book is about the lost city of Atlantis and has futuristic themes. From what I heard from Steve he is still pretending to be "Captain America" the general wanted him to be. It makes me so angry that the general is doing this to him. Today was different, I found out from Dorothy that her husband and Bucky got captured by HYDRA. All I can think about is if both Bucky and Steve are ok.

Steve's POV

I unfortunately found out about Bucky and I'm determined to make sure he gets back home to his girl and mine. I wrote and am currently sending a letter to Y/N to tell her my plan.

To my dear Y/N,

I heard about Bucky and I have a plan. I am going to where HYDRA is keeping him. Howard and I are flying a plane so I can get in. Even though I have yet to ask. I know you will try to talk me out of this but I know how much Buck means to you. Just know that I love you. I don't want you to be anymore heartbroken because of this knuckle head. You mean the world to me.
                                 Steve Rogers

After sending the letter to her I went with Peggy to carry on with our day of training.


I was pacing the floor of Steve's apartment,  since he said I could stay ther. I am waiting for Steve's daily letter since the base is a few minutes away and we can't visit each other. Once the mail came I rushed to look for the letter. Once I did I opened it and read it through carefully. Once the letter was read I took two pieces of paper, a pen, and started writing to Steve and Peggy.

My dear Steve,

Are you crazy? I love you and Bucky but I just want you two to be safe. Plus Bucky is a big boy. But I still am worried about him. If I can't talk you out of this no one can. Just come back home to me. I love you Steve.
                    Y/N Carter (future Rogers)

After signing I sent it off to base, after sending the letter I started writing to Peggy.

My dear sister Peggy,

I know about Steve. Please keep him safe while I'm not there. You're the only one u trust with his antics. He's a lot like me so it shouldn't be that hard. But if I find out he's hurt your the first person I'm going to.

Sincerely  with love
Y/N Carter

After writing to Peggy I sent the letter to base. I am passing the floor hoping the two most important people, besides Bucky, in my life get the letters in time. I am also praying that Bucky is ok.

~~Steve's POV~~

Peggy and I both just got our letters from Y/N. To be honest I was tearing up a little bit but Peggy just lightly chuckled.

"Well Rogers I'm going with you."

I just looked at her puzzled.

"What? No. If something happen to you and me Y/N would be devastated. I'm not letting you go with me."

"Rogers as your superior and future sister-in-law I'm going with you whether you like it or not."

With that I just let out a deep sigh and let it happen. Then went off to find Howard.

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