Chapter 4: the experiment

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~~Y/N's POV~~

A week has gone by on the base. Peggy and I were finally reunited and stayed together in a two bed and one bath cabin. Steve was trying his best at training which made me smile.

Steve's POV

Today was finally the day were I will get the serum. Peggy & I were in the same car while Y/N was in a car in front of us.

"Are you ready Rogers?"

"As I'll ever be, I hope this works."

"Why you say that?"

"Cause if something goes wrong then Y/N would be all alone & I don't want her to be heartbroken again."

"So you know about our parents & Johnny then?"


A minute goes by with no talking between me & Peggy.


"Yes Ms. Carter?"

"Just call me Peggy."

"Ok, Peggy what is it?"

"I've never seen my sister any happier then she is with you."


"Really. You brought her happiness back. I've tried since Johnny but to no avail. Also don't worry the serum work Dr. Erskine and Dr. Y/N worked on it. "

Before I could ask about Y/N's doctorate we pulled up to an antique shop? I saw Y/N getting out and walking over to her sister and me.

"How was the drive over Peggy?"

"He's a keeper."

"I know sis."

Y/N then took my hand & walked inside. Peggy said the code & walked into a secret hallway. All three of us walked into the lab to see the doctor & Howard.

"Oh look who finally arrived. Did you get enough beauty sleep?"

"Shut it Howard!"

Both Y/N & Peggy snapped at him, shutting the playboy scientist up. I walked to the bed with Dr. Erskine and started to get into the machine.

~~Y/N's POV~~

Peggy & I went to the booth with the others. Once in the booth I sensed that a guy in a well tailored grey suit was no good. I knew everyone except for him. I sat next to him and suspicion grew. Then the experiment started & I am a little worried about my boyfriend being seriously hurt. Peggy saw this, grabbed my hand & squeezed it gently. Just then Steve started to scream in pain. I bolted out of my seat to the door.

"Shut it down!"

"No! Keep going! I'm alright!"

So we kept on going with the experiment. I didn't want to leave where I was standing & I held my breath. After the machine hit 100% and the experiment was over I ran down & was one of the first people to greet the new Steve.

"Steve? Baby? How do you feel?"

Steve took a breath


"You look taller."

I then hugged my 6'2" well built boyfriend.


"Yea Stevie?"

"You're not just with me because of my looks right?"

I knew Steve was insecure but I never thought that I would be into him because of his looks.

"Why would I care about how you look Steve? I'm with you because you got a heart of gold & I care about you."

Before he could respond the guy with the grey suit stepped out of the booth, shot the doctor, & ran off.

~~~ Steve's POV ~~~

Y/N got pushed by the man which made her hit her head on a railing hard. Peggy & I went to Y/N's side to see is she was alright. Peggy then went after the man while I stayed by my passed out girlfriend & dying doctor.

"Go after him Steve."

"But doc you're dying & Y/N..."

"Hey, Stevie boy, I can take care of Y/N."

I then gave a nod & ran after the shooter.

~~~Time skip~~~

After I fought the HYDRA agent I felt defeated. I didn't get any info from the agent other than what he said. "' cut off one head two more will grow. Hail HYDRA.'" When I got back I immediately went to check in on Y/N. She had an ice pack on her wavy
Y/H/C hair & it looked like her lipstick & mascara smeared. When we locked eyes Y/N immediately ran to me & hugged me.

"Oh Steve I'm glad you're ok."

"That I'm ok? Y/N I saw you pass out in front of me I think I should be thankful that you're ok."

"Ok enough with the mushy stuff you two."

"Ok general."

"Rogers... looks like you're the new face of America."

The general then threw down a newspaper, that was fresh of the press, on to the table with a picture of me & a car door.

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