New Faces- Alternate Realities

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The trio entered the galaxy-like portal to an alternate reality. Can you guess where? Here's a hint: the Omnitrix weilder is someone every Ben has called a "dweeb" at least once in their life.

"She should be here anytime now. While we wait, allow me to elaborate our situation." Paradox lectured, not waiting for anyone's approval to proceed.

"What I wanna know is what this creep is about. Is he really a hotshot like he boasts?" 23 claimed while Prime smiled at his remark. He was a proud mentor to 23, but 23 was still Ben, being just as cunning and playful.

"Sure, this guy thinks he's all that, but I'm sure we can kick his time-ticking butt." Prime commented in his 'heroic voice'.

"While I do appreciate your enthusiasm, dealing with Ben X is quite complicated, and is to be taken very seriously. Just like you, Ben Prime, Ben X had also 'messed up' in multiversal-wise matters once before..."Paradox looked at Prime in a slight grin, while 23 looked blank having no context. "However, while I was with you guys gathering the Bens from different timelines, I was not there for Ben X while his dimension was really in trouble. Ben X wanted to retaliate, making an assumption that I looked down upon his dimension, and his identity itself. Now, he targets other vulnerable dimensions..."

"Like mine. Yeah. You said that already..." 23 mumbled to himself, now breaking eye-contact from Paradox.

"...Am I interrupting something?" a young, teenage Omnitrix wielder dropped her leather blue and cyan bag casually on the sidewalk as she approached the trio. She stopped and looked at 23, then gave a soft smile. "Hey."

"Uh...hey, cuz. What's up?" 23 smiled as he put his hands in his pockets. "Wanna know about the evil Ben threat that wants to destroy Bens again, but I'm the main target? I guess I'm always the star of the show!"

"Again? I mean like, another threat? Weren't those bad Bens and Eon already enough?" Gwen complained. "At least there's finally some action going on other than my math teacher clipping her toenails in detention."

"Um, ew," 23 blenched, making puking gestures.

"Who knew you've been to detention?" Prime wondered.

"Ben 10 thousand will not be able to join us for now, so while we're here, we could encounter Ben X anytime. He is an unpredictable, walking time machine." the Professor explained in the most professor-ish manner.

"I am hoping that's a compliment, Sir. Might I suggest you make a wise decision-Professor Paradox, to hand me over the boy. Yes, little 23. There's no point in running, hiding, or fighting, Benjamin. Like grandfather like grandson, so naive." a familiar voice once more...

"Gah! How did he get here so fast?!" 23 took a step back. Soon enough, that fear turned into anger. "Alright, listen up, you clock-fricker! The only thing that scares me is the fact that you yell like a banshee's vocal cords stuck in a woodchipper! Otherwise, you're just like me, except clearly someone who's out of their freaking mind!"

"I'm not sure whether to be upset, or impressed, Ben 23! Although I do suggest we make this quick. Surrender or your fate is sealed!" Ben X warned maliciously.

"My only fate is the winning one! It's hero time!"

"Really, Ben? A Vaxasaurian? Is that really going to beat me? Tsk tsk tsk... Ben...Ben...Ben..." Ben X suddenly teleported behind Dino-mighty, with the evil intent written all over him, eyes, body, smile. "This is what you call a grand entrance!"

Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. After the smoke faded from the scene, Ben X and Dino Mighty were both struggling on each other's throats. They seemed of equal strength, until Ben X struck the second blow, which Dino Mighty seemed to dodge again. This made Prime say, "Paradox, you think we should be fighting now? You said we need a plan, and 10K's not here either."

"Your friend over there speaks wise words. Also, I am aware this is not our first encounter, Benjamin Alfred Tennyson, for we have met shall I say this...uneasy terms. It did not end so well, but it did end the life of just one." After saying this menacingly, Ben X lets go of and drops 23, then walks away, leaving a portal open. 23 clenches on the floor of the debris of their fight as he watched Ben X walk away. A familiar face, no? Before taking any step in, Ben X adds, "Be a good boy and meet me here, say... 8 days from now. My minions shall handle your wise friend and miss goody-two-shoes over there. Careful, Mister Tennyson. One wrong step, and one could end up not so lively." 

"Okay, now I hate that guy's guts even more," Gwen glares at Ben X as she helps 23 up. She crosses her arms and flips her hair. "Pfft, goody-two-shoes. So not!"

Everyone looked at each other, then 23 looked at Paradox with eyes that were stunned as ever.

"Dude has some serious brain issues." Ben 23 laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Tell me about it. What's worse is that he's toying with us. Like we're his toy set." Prime sighed, pinching his nose.

"The real question is what we should do. We're not getting anywhere and that psychopath could come anytime to taunt us again. And...Ben?" Gwen's words trailed off as she pointed behind 23. 23 looked back and rolled his eyes. 

"He seriously doesn't know when to give up, does he? How many are there? 50, 100, 200?"

"No. About 500. Quick, hold them off." Paradox sprinted as he formed a portal and disappeared into its magenta void.

"...And he's gone. Again. Whatever, we can take as many evil minion robots any day! Say it with me now..."

It's hero time!

Even with 23 transforming into Prime's alien counterpart of Fourarms, Gwen into Prime's alien counterpart Heatblast, and Prime transforming into Diamondhead, it almost seemed close to impossible to take on an army of more than 200 times larger than the Bens' and Gwen's. They weren't exactly what you would call 'indestructible', but they weren't the easiest fish to catch in the lake either. Paradox also knew what he was doing, right?

"We can't fight them forever, there're too many of them!" Gwen yelled across the scene of piles of obliterated robot bodies. "Prime, what do we do?!"

"We need to lure them out of the center of the city to the city's edge before there's any more damage. 23, what..."

"Ben...? W-where's 23? Gwen stuttered in horror. One second he was there, and the next he wasn't. 

The duo desperately looked around in hopes to find their missing counterpart, but resulting unsuccessful.

"Ben! Where in the Omniverse are you?!" Ben called out to 23 as he ran from the swarm of alien robots coming after him. "No no no, this can't be happening."

"Hahahahaha...catch me if you can!"

The robot army chasing the duo didn't do them any justice for the situation. Prime and Gwen could feel Ben X's presence. In fact, many people believe humans may have a sixth sense, where one could feel another's presence without even using the other five senses. Ben X could also be heard, but not seen. They say seeing is believing, but the presence of darkness was too overwhelming to not be believed.

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