The Ben Counter-apart

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How on Earth did I get here? I take a few steps to look around and don't really recognize anything. I mean- why bother-it's not even my dimension. No wifi, no signal, nothing. Azmuth once told me how to use the Omnitrix comlink to contact others with the IPD badge. Grandpa used to be the Magister of the IPD, which stood for Intergalactic Police Department. Funny story, but I really never thought I would regret not remembering what Azmuth said about the Omnitrix comlink thingy. For the first time ever, I was alone. No crowd, no family, or friends, just me and this creepy abandoned seaport. 

For the first time ever, I was actually scared. I've seen this everywhere-in movies I mean. Some dude or chick ends up in a horror movie and when they explore the place, they just get killed or chased or something. But here's a reality check for me: it's all real. Ben X killed my grandpa, and I feel, no, I know I'm next. That, or he's gonna do the same thing he did last time. He assassinated the cops, and then grandpa, leaving Gwen and me alive, to "assert and display his dominance" or something. Huh, being alone, especially someone like me, can drive one crazy. I can't help but drown in negative thoughts. I just pathetically sit into a little human ball and weep about it like a little girl. I mean, it's not like I was able to save my own grandpa. And Gwen was involved in my problems too, and I bet she hates me now.

I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder, something the opposite of overwhelming, so I don't freak out. I didn't even bother to look. I know, it's just pitiful. 

"Benjamin..." It was Paradox, who else? His words just trail off as his eyes meet mine. "Is everything alright? I apologize for leaving you alone for too long in a place like this."

"Uh, Paradox! Hey!" I quickly get up and turn away to break eye contact. I dry my tears and look his way. "So, uh, why'd you call me here? I mean- why'd you bring me here?"

"I do believe there are some things you need to know about, Ben. And for that, I need to take you back to your dimension." I just look at him in hopes that he'd explain, but...he's a professor, he's more of a demonstrator. 

He simply leads me back to my dimension, where I see someone familiar, playing -well, showing his cousin how to play- soccer. The good-old-days.

"Ben, what do you notice about you and Gwen from 3 years ago?" Paradox looked at me, expecting an obvious answer.

"Uh, she sucks at soccer?" I mocked since I couldn't make out any other detail.

"Benjamin, no matter how much time you spent teaching her how to play soccer, you never really got frustrated and impatient with her. I know much more about you than you realize. While you were popular at school and often hung out with friends, you would meet with Gwen and let her play sports with you so that she gets the same opportunity at school."

"Why... are you telling me this? It's not like I hate her or anything."

"Exactly. Do you not realize that she might feel the same way you feel about her?" For the first time ever, I actually came to an agreement with an adult. "You might be wondering why I've brought you here,"

"Enlighten me, dude." What was he trying to say?

"Gwen does not hate you. And I can understand that it was not your intention to be famous for its benefits. The only benefit you have gained was the distraction from your troubles. But the ones you cherish can see through your intentions," Paradox...smiled?

"You actually left the battle to find out about my past? And brought me to a quiet and abandoned port so that I can think things through, only for you to help me set things right with myself?" 

"I would have only slowed you down in battle. While you may feel everyone may be interfering with your life, they do you a favor by mentoring and molding you to be a better hero, so that you can return that favor to them and be the hero that the Omniverse needs."

What? What?! I'm not gonna lie, it's as if you're in a magic show, but instead of the rabbit coming out of the hat, the magician chokes the rabbit out. Unpredictable (eheh, fancy words).

"I guess...I never thought about it like that before. I appreciate it, really." I was not used to being a softie in front of someone before. "I think it's time I gave my counterparts a little visit."

Paradox smiled, "Now there's something I would agree with."

23rd Times a Charm?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora