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"Hey Y/N! How's the party going?" Asked Jane.

She was my coworker. You could say she was the person I was closest too. Even though she had good looks, her tall, slender body didn't get her a boyfriend. I replied with a simple yes and went to the bathroom. This party is just a mess. I know they made this in my honor, but I simply just don't know anyone except Jane and the boss. Stress filled me, so I decided to go out for a smoke.

"I didn't know you smoked." Said a deep, soft voice behind me.

I turned around and he was there.

"Oh yeah. It's just a habit I have when I get stressed." I said.

"Same. But may I ask, why are you stressed? Isn't the party going out well?" Kim Myung-Dae said.

"It's not that I don't like the party, I love how you organized this for me. But it's just that I don't know a lot of people here, and I don't know what to talk about."

"It's ok, you can always talk to me. Please, call me MD." He smiled and left.

My heart started pounding so fast. After a moment, I went inside. Everyone suddenly cheered at me and Jane handed me a glass of wine.

It was delicious. The grape-flavored liquid made me happy. Everything made me happy. I felt like I was in heaven, next to God himself. Before I knew, I was drunk. The party was over, and I was still drunk.

"Everyone! Y/N is drunk! Who knows where she lives?" shouted Jane, with a sensitive tone since she was drunk too.

Quiet filled the table. No one knew where I lived. I tried standing up, but MD insisted I stayed sitting.

"I know where she lives." suggested MD.

Boss Md x female reader Where stories live. Discover now