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It's disgusting, isn't it? Disgusting knowing your father just made you orgasm? The thought raced through my head as I lay there, touching myself to the thought of Christian entering me again.

It didn't take long for my father to get back to his old habits; drinking, bringing women home, and watching as he took the life from them. On nights where he was unable to find a suitable match, he'd come into my room and fuck me until I was numb in the legs. When winter came, there was a halt to those who visited our town and so Christian would often find himself buried inside me for hours. I'd lay there and feel as he filled me up with his love time after time.

Soon enough, I caught myself thinking about Christian throughout the day, fantasizing about him finally coming home and using me again and again. Living in the real world though, everything eventually, comes to an end. That's when she came in... Fiona. I only knew her name because my father actually introduced her to me the night he brought her home... and the morning after when he let her leave!

It wasn't like my father to keep a woman around for long, and it wasn't like me to feel so angry at the sight of those who

came into the house. My father and his friend became a regular occurrence, coming in and out of the house every so often. I'd sit in my room, brushing my hair, wondering what she had that I didn't. I mean, my boobs were bigger, my ass was firmer and my pussy was probably tighter. Yes, I'd been fucked more times than a doorknob is touched at a bar bathroom door, but I kept myself like new. She was older. She was saggier. There was no way Christian could love her more than she loved me... could there be?

The voices whispered in my ear, 'she's prettier,' 'she's more fun,' 'maybe she knows exactly what your father wants.'

I hit my head in disagreement. 'Shut up, Christian doesn't want, he needs.. and all he needs is someone to fuck. That's me. Me. Nobody else.'

The sound of the front door reaches my bedroom and seconds later, the sound of her laughter echoes around the room. I stand from my bed and make my way down to them, ready to give them a piece of my mind. What came after was a blur, something like watching yourself from outside your body. I watched myself scream and shout, curse at Christian and his whore. I watched her say something back, till this day, I don't know what it was she was saying. Nothing but ringing in my ear.

'So you're going to fuck me and then stop because you found yourself someone new?' Anger carrying every word, the words hit both him and Fiona.

'What the hell is she talking about Christian?' Fiona asked shocked at the words that had just come out of my mouth.

Christian froze in place, staring at me, shocked.

'What's wrong daddy?' I asked, jealousy carrying every word. 'Don't want your whore to know you fuck your 15-year-old daughter?'

A look of shock and disgust fills the woman's face. 'You what!' She takes a step back from Christian.

Christian turns towards her, attempting to calm her down. 'I don't know what she's talking about Fiona,' he looks around for something to help him salvage the moment.

'Looking for something daddy?' I asked as I pull a small hatchet from behind my back.

'What the fuck is going on here?' Fiona asks as she picks up her heels.

'Daddy's been bad is what's going on. He rapes his daughter, gets her hooked, and then brings other whores to the house. Do I not get you off as much as she does daddy? Do you miss the thrill of killing them after? You miss the feeling of watching the life leave your visitors?'

Fiona gasps in shock and takes another step towards the door.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you, Fiona.'

'Fuck both of you, y'all are fucked up.' In a split second

Fiona was running towards the door and the hatchet flying behind her. Fiona screams out in pain and drops to the floor as the hatchet buried itself in her back. Fiona let out a scream that could have shattered glass, and I couldn't allow her to do it again. Fiona was the first woman I had felt jealousy towards when speaking about Christian, and deep down I knew that wasn't normal. My hands rip the hatchet out from her back, another scream.

'Shut the fuck up,' I proceeded to turn her over and bury the hatchet into her throat. The hatchet sinks in until it hits bone too thick to breakthrough. Fiona's body spasms as she choked on her own blood. 'He's all mine,' I said softly as I put my weight on the hatchet and feel it sink in further.

Christian, shocked and angry screams. 'What the fuck did you just do?'

'What I had to do. Fuck you! Always bringing her around, showing her off as one of yours."

'She wasn't one of mine, she was with the town officials. She came because of the disappearances around town you stupid, stupid girl. She was trying to sniff us out and I was trying to get her off my ass. You fucked up.'

'I, I didn't mean to,'

'You let your emotions get the best of you,'

'I did it for you daddy,'

'No, you did it because you got jealous, you let your dumb, whatever the fuck is going on in your head get to you and you were messy.'

Christian was right. I had gotten upset and the rage clouded my judgment. I saw him with a pretty woman and assumed he was getting ready to rail her. 'Shit, what do I do now?' I guess this was the moment I realized just how disposable I was to my father. I'd fucked up big time and killed a town official in the house. It wouldn't be too long until someone came looking for her and found the mess I had made.

'What about the well? We can throw her down there.'

Christian stands there for a moment. 'Fuck, you really fucked up.' 'I fucked up? How did the officials get involved?' Christian scratches his head, thinking of what to do and say next. 'They found some remains nearby,' Christian finally explains. 'It wasn't anyone of ours but it got the sheriff opening cases back up with a larger radius. There is enough evidence in a 5-mile radius here to get us both hung. I was using Fiona to stay in the know to move her from reaching our home in their radius extension. Now we're fucked.'

'I am so sorry Christian,' I say as I reach into his pants. He pulls away but I take a grip. 'Let's get rid of the body in the well, I won't let anything happen to you.' I kiss him, leading him to turn me over and fucking me on the kitchen table next to Fiona's body. Shortly after being done, we make our way to the well and toss Fiona down to the bottom. I lean over the side of the well and watch her plummet.

'I'm sorry dear,' I hear Christian say, as I turn towards him, with the slightest of forces, Christian shoves me forward, sending me tumbling down into the well.

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