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The sun beams down, warming the young boy's face as he stares down at the grey gravestone standing in the ground. The wind dances through his hair as a woman places her hand on his shoulder.

"You ready baby?" She asks as she places her sunglasses back on her face.

"Was mommy really a bad person?" He asks, face down.

The lady is caught a little off guard by the question. "What makes you say that dear?"

"Some of the kids at school said she would make people go to sleep forever."

"Oh," She replies, completely flabbergasted, "Sometimes good people do bad things baby. That doesn't make someone a bad person. Your mom had a difficult life, influenced by people who weren't good. She got caught in the middle of it, just a bad situation all around. Now, let's go home."

The two make their way to the car parked at the end of the green field.

"Am I a bad person mommy?"

The woman opens the door for the boy and smiles as she shakes her head no. "No baby," She makes her way around to the driver's seat and makes her way into the car. "You're a perfect little boy!" She ignites the car and puts the car in drive.

As they make their way back down the road the boy stares out the window. Unknowingly to the lady in the driver's seat, he wipes his red-stained hands against his pants, remembering those moments in the graveyard. Moments before his mother came to him at Goldie's grave, the young boy found himself stalking a bunny nearby. When the boy finally caught up to it, it wasn't long until he was bashing its head in with a rock he had found nearby.

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