The First Flame

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"To love is to recognize yourself in another. "

- Anonymous

In the jet
Nicole's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened.

" It's your fault, you should've known it was going to blow."

My mind kept saying that in my head.

I acted as our team's technical agent.

Meaning that every info about the mission comes through me.

Everything that happens while we're doing the mission also comes through me.

So I should've known that the camp would've blown up.

I thought to myself, "If you can't do the job, other people could die because of you.".

I wanted to silence my mind.

But then I remembered that Derren almost died because of me.

This team.

The 4 people I worked with.

It's all that I have, since the fire long ago.

I would give my life to them.

And to think that they almost died because of me was causing a tear to fall out my eye.

Derren was in the medic chair.

He was being checked on by Arron.

His face was normal but somewhat scared st the same time.

Derren always had a poker face.

You would never knew what he was thinking.

One day you would think that he was making friends with you. The next thing you knew, he would kill every person you loved.

If you didn't know him, you would think that he was fine.

But sticking around with him for 5 years gave the ability to know what he was feeling based on his face.

I didn't ask Derren what he was thinking about, I just knew that he was somewhat scared of something.

I knew that if he wanted to tell me, he would.

The flight back to headquarters was about 24 hours, so we had some time to rest and rethink this whole mess up.

"Alright, your fine." Arron said after checking up on Derren.

"Thanks man, now listen up. We have 24 hours until we reach HQ. Everyone get some rest and we'll discuss the mission in 5 hours.", Derren said to us.

I was softly crying, so soft that I think no one had noticed.

Derren however did.

He came to me and sat besides me.

He said to me, "Hey" he said it with comforting tone.

I said said hey to him to.

Then he said something that made me feel comfortable.

"You know, shit happens. We can't control that."

That was Derren's slogan you could say, "Shit happens".

Then he said, "It's not your fault, it's not my fault, it's not this team's fault, it's not UNIT's fault either. Sometimes, things just happen. Good things, bad things. They happen to everyone. And it also comes unexpectedly. Crying over it just wastes time. Getting up from it, that's what matters."

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