Finally Woke

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Life is full of surprises.
Not all of these surprises are pleasant,
So you need to be ready for what life brings you


Derren's POV:

"My dearest Ms. J"
"I love you"
Thoughts crossed my mind.

I woke up.

To this.


It loomed everything.

I was laying on the floor.

The black floor.

My body lifted as I began to stand up quick.

My surroundings.




But somehow I could see myself.

My hand went to my waist to grab the gun.

It wasn't there.

I was wearing nothing but my suit.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

I shouted hoping that somebody would hear.

"Yeah, shouting for help in the middle of nowhere. What a great idea."

I thought to myself as no one responded.

"Well, hello there. Awake already?"

A tall, charming English woman wearing a violet dress suddenly appeared.

"And who are you?"

"Where am I?"


I asked the woman.

" Derren, you've been to hell. Does this seem like hell to you? "

" No, this is not hell. "

" This. "

" Is. "

" Something far more terrifying than hell. "

The woman said.

" What could possibly be more terrifying than hell? "

I said.

" Think. "

" In a point in your life, you've decided a place that is far more terrifying than hell. "

The woman said which made me think.

" There is no such place. "

" Well, except. "

" I guess. "

" My mind? "

" But, that would mean that, I'm in a coma. "

I answered the woman.

" Yes and no. "

" Yes, your in your mind. "

" But, no. "

" No, you're not in a coma. "

" Well, you are passed out. But not in a coma. "

The woman said with a chuckle.

" Look, lady. If you happen to be my enemy, than you'd know that I don't like to deal with games like this. "

I said to the woman impatiently.

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