The Past In The Present

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Success is not final
Failure is not fatal
It is the courage to continue
that counts
-Winston Churchill

5 months ago

Clara's POV :

The sound of coffee beans grinding with each other.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee.
The feel you get when you just sit down and enjoy yourself in a cafe.

"What can I get for you miss?" A waiter asked me.

"I'll have a large hot matcha latte please, and I'll also get a ham and egg cheese wrap please." I ordered.

The waiter took the order and went to his station.

The smell of freshly toasted bread filled my nostrils.

The sound of an egg being fried could also be heard.

This was my day off.

Derren had said that 2 days from now, we would get a new mission.

I usually spend my day off with Derren.

Since he didn't have many friends.

But today Derren had "other" plans to attend to.

So I guess I'll just enjoy my day off by myself.

My order came to me.

There's nothing like a ham and egg cheese wrap to start the day with.

And also a hot and not to sweet matcha latte to go along with it.

The park was where I went to.

I loved to see the birds flying.

Talking to other people was somewhat my talent.

So, sometimes I would just have a chat with a stranger in the park.

Then suddenly.

A man came to me.

It was Arron.

Arron and I were kind of like partners.

We're both in the field.

Just that, we don't get our hands dirty like Derren and Joanna do.

Just, different things to do.

Derren would usually send me and Arron to work at the field.

I worked as my teams bridge to the outside world, basically handling the press.

While Arron was forensics. So he would go to the scene with Derren and Joanna but would just be there to examine somethings and would go back to his lab.

"So, how did it go?"
"Did you hear from Derren yet?"
"Did he accepted it?"
Arron asked me a row of questions.

"Calm down there bullet, I still haven't heard from him yet."
I answered.

Chasing Dawn : Tick-tockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora