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In the jet

2 hours before touch down.

Joanna's POV :

I woke up before Derren.

Decided to take a quick shower.

I walked into the shower room.

Turned the hot water on.



Touching my skin.

Flowing through every crack in my body.

I was turned on.

Not in a weird way though.

My brain was like being reactivated.

After I took the shower.

I grabbed a towel and dried myself up.

Put on some clothes and went out to the common room.

I remembered last night.

Derren told me to run a background check on this scientist named Jason.

I saw Clara was eating some breakfast at the table.

"Morning there, your up late."

Clara said good morning to me.

"Morning, yeah had a wonderful night last night hehe."

I just said with a giggle.

"Want some muffins for breakfast?"

Clara offered me some breakfast.

"Yeah sure, you want some coffee? "

I asked her.

"Nah, I'm having some tea. Here you go."

Clara said while giving me a muffin.

"You know, your brother also is more of a tea person. Guess it runs in the family huh?"

I joked with Clara.

" Yeah, now that I think about it. Hehe. "

Clara said laughing.

" Hey, last night Derren asked me to check on this guy. You mind helping me out? "

I asked Clara for help.

" Yeah sure, who is it? "

Clara said yes.

I handed her the photo Derren gave to me last night.

" Derren said his name is Jason. He's a scientist that was working on whatever it is we were supposed to extract from this mission. Derren said his face was really familiar. But he couldn't remember who it was. "

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