Chapter 2: C-Cats...?

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Another bright day in Heartland City. The sun shone brightly into the Tsukumo household. Waking up, Yuma let out a massive yawn as he slowly got out of his hammock of a bed. Leaping into his school clothes, Yuma felt a massive burst of energy in his body and rushed into the kitchen, grabbing some Duel Food. Yuma was about to dash into the door before being stopped by Kari shouting.

"Hey Yuma!! I need to ask you something." She shouted down to him. "Yeah?" He replied. "Apparently someone said the Numbers are taking over people again, make sure you deal with them when you can." Yuma sighed before shouting back, "Yeah, I will." Then walked out the house, kissing his grandma on the forehead as his normal routine would and dashed off to school.

Boy, you must act fast. One of those Numbers have appeared. We cannot let those others find them before we do. I shall inform you when we come in contact with the Number and it's holder. For now, act you think how you should. The voice rang and crept through Kieran's head as he walked to school. "Yeah got it-" He cut off as he could feel what felt something soft rub against his leg, making him jump.

After leaping back, he stood and stared at the creature that had rubbed against his leg. "A... cat?" He simply said, turning away from the cat and pacing off at an alarming rate. "I hate cats..." He muttered as he continued speedwalking past several Heartland students, accidentally bumping past a gray-haired girl. Stopping in his tracks, he quickly spun around and apologized. "Sorrysorrysorry-" He felt another brush against his leg, then another to which he leapt back again.

"Uhh..." He quickly fled the scene with the abundance of cats the girl was accompanied by. "Hmmm..." the girl simply muttered. "Hey Cathy! Was that the new kid?" Tori asked, walking to behind Cathy. "He might be, I don't really know you're on about, Tori." Cathy said, turning to Tori. "Ah well, I'll explain it to you later." Bending down, she pet one of the cats. "Have you seen Yuma, though?" Cathy asked Tori. "Sorry no, I was about to ask you the same thing."

Elsewhere, Yuma sped past Bronk at an alarming rate. This time he wasn't going to lose a race against Bronk. "Hah! I'll beat you this time, Bronk!" He shouted as Bronk then proceeded to get ahead of Yuma with a smug grin. "Not this time, Yuma!" He taunted as he continued to get ahead of Yuma, leaving him in the dust. As enough time passed, Yuma and Bronk had both reached school and gathered with their friend group and simply began talking.

The bell rang and thus school began. As everyone piled themselves in class, Cathy kept a close eye on Kieran, I mean... who wouldn't like cats? Rio doesn't count, she has a phobia of course. She needed to find out. But that would have to wait, class had to end then get to Duel Period, which shouldn't be long from now. Kieran couldn't help but feel a judging gaze form somewhere, of course he didn't know it was Cathy, but he also couldn't help but feel paranoid about it, making him sweat.

Eventually the class ended and Duel period had begun, Kieran let out a sigh, without the voice in his head, he had no idea what to do at this time. Yesterday he just observed the kid with the Number, this time there wasn't one to keep an eye on. He just stood there, like a stick in the mud. "What do I do...?" He just simply said, staring at the ground. "How about you duel me?" A voice spoke from behind him.

Turning, he was frightened by the fact it was once more the cat girl. "U-Uhhh, I don't know... I may have not really brought my deck. I'm uh- Kieran by the way." He lied, but giving her his name. On his face, he still seemed a bit disturbed that the girl was basically a human cat. "Cathy. And sure you do, your deck's right there." Cathy said, pointing at the deck box around his waist. "So it is." He blankly said.

"I'd rather not though, I'm too much of a weak duelist." Once more lying, he decided to check his deck for a second. Looking a bit shocked for a brief second, he noticed that his deck did not consist of Spiders, but instead it was entirely built of different coloured warriors and mechs. Looking at his waist for a second, he also noticed a D-Gazer, how did that get there? "Uh, yeah sure. I'll duel you."

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL B.A.T.T.L.E.G.A.M.E: A Spider's Web.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora