Date At Long Last

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Tony and Bucky wound up at a diner not too far from Stark Tower. "Hey Tony, what's your favorite color?" Bucky inquired. "I really like the color red, I feel like it conveys a sense of confidence." Bucky lightly grabbed Tony's hand and squeezed it. "Damn and my favorite color is just silver." Bucky lets out a hearty chuckle. Tony smiled. Tony ordered a burger and a chocolate milkshake while Bucky ordered a strawberry one. "I really love milkshakes but I rarely get them because it's time-consuming to go out for one." Tony said while contently sipping his milkshake. "I haven't had a milkshake in quite some time. It's really nice to be enjoying this with you." Bucky hummed. They finished their food and decided on a stroll through the park.

    "The stars are beautiful tonight. I love how peaceful it is. I haven't felt this in a long time. It's so weird to be in the modern century, the fact that it's legal to be with a fella would've been unheard of in my time. I knew I was gay even back then I just kept it hidden because I didn't want no trouble with the cops. I remember trying to make sure Stevie never found out. Didn't want him going 'round trying to defend me."

    "Good to know that Steve is cool with it, never talked to him about gay people so I had no idea if he'd be homophobic or not."

    "You say that like Stevie isn't clearly in the closet or at least open to seeing a man," Bucky says. Tony lets out a laugh and grabs Bucky's hand leading him towards a little antique shop. "I sure hope that's not your way of informing me that I belong here, I might have to consider seeing other people if you're gonna feel the need to remind me that I'm from the forties."

    "Don't be silly, I just like looking at antiques. Why else would you be perfect for me, dear?" Bucky rolls his eyes at Tony's comment, but it's only surface level. Bucky wouldn't admit that he does in fact enjoy the banter with Tony. They walk around the antique shop checking out the inventory and just looking at everything there. Bucky pauses for a moment noticing an old toy he had back in the forties, and then promptly puts it back on the shelf after seeing the price. "James, if you want that, I have the money for it. You don't need to worry about spending my money. You won't break the bank." With that note, Tony lets out a hearty chuckle.

    "I get that you're willing to pay, but it don't feel right to me. Taking money from you, I've always been the caretaker of my loved ones and I'm not sure I'm comfortable changing that."

    "I understand that. However, hear my words and know I'm genuine when I say it really is no bother and I would enjoy spending my money on you." Bucky looks around the room unsure of himself. He really doesn't want to be a burden on Tony, but Tony seems to really want to do this for him. Tony catches his nervous eyes and places a hand around him indicating that he had no ill intent. Bucky decides to allow Tony to purchase the little toy and they move on agreeing to head back to the Tower at this point. Tony goes up to his room and decides to reflect on how far they've progressed since the battle between their friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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