The plot thickens

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         "Why the hell did I think that was a good idea? Now things between me and Tony are going to be even more awkward. This is all your fault, Steve." Snaps Bucky, Steve's laughter on serves to insense him more. He glares harder, trying to get Steve to stop laughing

"What?" Confused, Steve stops laughing. "Why is this my fault? What the hell did I do?" Steve stares waiting for an explanation. Bucky shrugs because what he did was super obvious.

"How's this not your fault?" Steve continues to wait for an explanation from Bucky about how this is his fault. "Do I have to spell it out for you? You told me to kiss him!" Steve stares wondering if Bucky is serious. "If you are wondering if I am serious, YES, YES I AM." Bucky says frustrated.

           Steve starts to defend himself, but quickly gets cut-off by Natasha bursting in. "What the hell did you do? Why is Tony leaving?!" She asks quickly, confused and concerned. Bucky and Steve look at each other pondering if Tony leaving had anything to do with the kiss.
                                   TONY'S POV
"I have to leave, I can't stay. Bucky killed my parents while under hydra control and even if I like him back, he probably doesn't like me back. It also feels like I'm betraying my parents by liking him" Tony says feeling heartbroken. Rhodey looks at him like he is insane.

            "Tones, trust me when I say that there is a very great chance that he likes you back. I mean if he didn't he wouldn't have initiated the kiss. He didn't have a choice in the matter of killing your parents. You've seen the video, you know he's not guilty." Rhodey says in a very comforting tone. He smiles at his best friend and gives him a hug thinking that maybe he managed to get his message through to Tony.

            "But what would people say? People haven't really all forgiven Bucky, despite it not being his fault," Tony picks up his bag and puts it in the trunk of the car, just as Rhodey grabs it resulting in an epic tug of war with the bag that Rhodey wins. "Really Rhodey, really?

"Yeah really, you shouldn't leave. Especially because of some stupid ass gossip mag that has nothing better to do than ruin people's happiness. Who gives a fuck what they have to say? I certainly don't. All that matters is your happiness not those stupid articles" says Rhodey, furious that gossip magazines might be keeping his friend from happiness. Tony smiles at Rhodey's display of protectiveness and his desperate attempts to convince his best friend to stay.

"As much as I would love to stay, I just need to think." Rhodey sags at this declaration and stops trying to prevent Tony from leaving. Tony, his expression fond, takes the bag out of his hands and finally manages to put it in the car. Rhodey pulls him into a loving hug before he climbs into the car.

"You know I'm not happy about you leaving, but I understand your reason. Stay safe man." Tony starts to roll up the window, but is stopped by a metal hand reaching through it.

              "Woah what the fuck?" Tony cries. Rhodey laughs a little at Tony's reaction. Bucky rolls Tony's window back down all the way. Tony is very surprised. Rhodey leaves the room to give them space. "So what's going on Barnes? Why did you stick your hand through my window?"

                " Please don't leave Tony. Did I hurt your feelings by kissing you? I swear that wasn't intentional. Look if you stay I'll never kiss you again" Bucky says assuming that is why Tony is leaving.  Bucky looks a little disappointed that Tony didn't reject that idea and say he wanted to be kissed.

"Just go Barnes. I'm leaving now." Tony says feeling dejected. Bucky walks away sadly. He thinks that Tony hates him more than when Tony found out he killed Tony's parents. Tony rolls up the window and leaves.

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