𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒅

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FIRST AND FOREMOST, this is a rant, an apology, and an explanation to why all the chapters of this fic are currently unpublished as of now to all those who've read this fic before:

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FIRST AND FOREMOST, this is a rant, an apology, and an explanation to why all the chapters of this fic are currently unpublished as of now to all those who've read this fic before:

Creating this crossover of a fic was an utterly reckless, split-second decision. My initial thought process regarding it —if I could remember correctly, and I'm pretty sure I could—  was: "Fuck it, let's see how this goes." And any other person would've seen this crash and burn coming because holyyyyy shiiiiiit did I outline the plot of this fic so badly that while writing all those chapters all I could think about it: "i think there's something wrong, something missing here..." AND GODAMN IT, THERE WAS. You see, the time I had come up with an idea with this fic, I was busy and dedicated to catering my OTHER fic which was also ongoing but had a much cleaner, well-thought out outline from start to finish (even had tidbits of dialogues so i knew the idea i  was going with). 

I'm gonna be criticizing my past self here so if you want to hear a person list a bucketful of reasons why they  loathe themselves then here ya go:

ONE, I started too strong. The cringey, angst teen vibe was too overpowering and I thought that was okay at that time, but now I can see why people hate it so much. SHOW AND TELL. Basically I kept telling and telling until there was no more showing left to uhm... show so it was basically crap, not gonna lie.

TWO, I hated Minamoto and reader's interactions. I MADE THE POOR BOY SUCH A CREEP AND I HATE IT. (i cant help laughing tho) There was scene where he kissed the reader without cOnSenT and she's just fine with it and looking back, that was absolute shit. Like who in their right mind, brushes that off?! 

THREE, how the reader had their first interaction with the ghost was pretty ok. But after trying to connect further dots, I realized that it was totally useless, a complete waste of my braincells trying to come up with words, AND IT JUST DIDN'T CONNECT!!! THE DOTS MUST CONNECT!! Teru and his band of exorcist keeps the community safe and sound so how the hell did a measly, easily-killable might I add, ghoul manage to slip away from their all-seeing eyes?! AND don't even get me started on the Ouija board! Minamoto shouldn't be exposing or even supporting interaction among supernaturals especially with a wooden board that is 100% dangerous and is like the most haunted spiritual tools out there. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!!

I could go on but I would only bore you. Anyways, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and so I will learn from past mistakes, take it easy with this fic and just get it together. Thank you for staying with me throughout this TED Talk, and uhm— BE EXTRA CAREFUL IN PUBLISHING WORKS BASED ON IMPULSE DECISIONS.

HIATUS: 𝒊 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 █ 𝒕𝒃𝒉𝒌Where stories live. Discover now