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 My god is not in the churches of gold the churches standing on hills standing taller than people and buildings and glistening professing purity sweeping so many sins under immaculate rugs folding so much hypocrisy under donation buckets mislaying wealth every hand should be porous should hold nothing should stretch out only to let it flow to better places there are so many homeless in the alley behind the cathedral there are so many not allowed in its doors my god is not in boxes even in decorated ones my god is in charity and love and kindness and beauty and in the good parts of all of us my god is in a single pair of eyes is in every pair of eyes is in the wind and the rain and the sun from the smallest thing to the largest thing my god is everywhere corruption and greed and hatred have not touched yet my god is in a single pair of eyes when I look deep enough into them through the clouds of derailments to grasp that core we are the same in, we are the same, and keep straining my neck to see this light even though so much of our world is shadows   

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