Chapter One: A Stay In Silver Valley

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Rouge, Shadow, Kat, and Kliff were entering a vacation house in Silver Valley.

Rouge: [Amazed by the beauty of the house she was staying in] Here? I get to stay here?

Kat: Amy said you were coming to Silver Valley for a visit, and asked if I might accommodate you.

Shadow: [Smirks] I gotta admit, this is a pretty cool house!

Rouge: Thank you soooooo much, Kat!

Kat: You're very welcome!

Rouge: [Trying to prove her gratefulness to Kat] No, really. This is so nice of you.

Kat: It's nothing, really.

Rarity: Oh, but it isn't nothing, it's everything! I, I just don't know what to say but thank you, thank you! [Kisses Kat's hand] Thank you! [Kisses Kat's hand] Thank you! [Kisses Kat's hand] Thank you, thank you, thank you! [She keeps kissing Kat's hands, making Kat feel awkward]

Kat: You are very we–

Rouge: Thank you!

Shadow: [Pulls Rouge away from Kat] Okay, Rouge, I think Kat's feeling a bit awkward! [To Kat] She really appreciates you getting you this house for us! [Kat smirked as Rouge and Shadow saw Kliff carrying Shadow and Rouge's luggage]

Kliff: [Pants] Your luggage, mademoiselle and misore? [Rouge smiled at being called mademoiselle, but Shadow just rolled his eyes at being called misore]

Kat: I'll leave you to get settled.

Kliff: [Bows to Kat] M'lady!

Kat: Enjoy your stay. [Kat lefted the house and Rouge stuck her head outta the front door to say thank you one last time]

Rouge: Thank you! [Shadow pulled Rouge back into the house and Rouge grinned and saw Kliff still holding Rouge's bags]

Kliff: [Straining] Where would you like me to put these? [Kliff drops all the luggage on the floor]

Rouge: That's perfect! [Kliff was under the luggage that fell on him. We then cut to later in the day. Rouge and Shadow were at a beverage shop having their tea and chaos soda]

Rouge: Oh Shadow, do you know what I love about Silver Valley? [She takes a sip of her tea] Ahh. Everything! I may have been born in Station Square, but I am a Silver Valley girl at heart. [She takes another sip of her tea] Now, I know that we are here to pick up some fabrics for the shop, but Amy was such a dear to get me that suite at the castle, I simply must make her something to express my gratitude. Hmm... [Rouge sees a mobian hedgehog wearing a dress] ooh! An outfit for her birthday party this weekend! Perfect! Don't you just love it here, Shadow the Hedgehog [She takes another sip of her tea]

Shadow: Sure, I guess... [He takes a sip of his chaos soda as two mobians, one yellow female hedgehog and one white male cat, walked up to the two]

Jack: Please excuse our interruption. I'm Jack the Cat, [Points at the female hedgehog] and this is my wife Camela the Hedgehog. We saw you from across the cafe and just had to find out...

Camela: ...Where did you get that simply marvelous chapeau? [Points at the hat Rouge was wearing]

Rouge: Oh, this old thing? Oh, it's just something I– [A drop of water lands on her hat. Rouge looked up, only to see a white male rabbit being held by a rope while washing windows]

Turki: Rouge! Hey, Rouge! Whoo! It's me, Turki! [He hung from the rope that was holding him] We met at the town square party in Station Square last month?

Rouge: Oh, yes, of course... how are you?

Turki: Good! Real good!

Jack and Camela: Hmm...

Jack: [To Rouge] You're from... Station Square?

Rouge: Well, yeah, yes, but–

Turki: She sure is! She's a real big-time fancy pants dressmaker there! Probably made that real purty thing she's got on her head! [Points at Rouge's hat] 

Camela: I thought it looked a little country.

Jack: I told you it wasn't something you could get here in Silver Valley, dear.

Jack and Camela: Hmph! [They turn around and leave. Rouge tears up as she saw them leave]

Turki: Well, they seemed real nice. 

Rarity: [She let out a dissapointed sigh. We then cut to her back in her vacation house] "Looked a little country". "Not something you can get in Silver Valley". I'll show you something worthy of Silver Valley! [She walked away from her table as a view of the dress Rouge was gonna make for Amy was shown]

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