Chapter Six: Rouge Apologizes To Her Friends

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Rouge was flying back to Station Square to meet up with her friends. Since no train was scheduled to go back to Station Square that day, Rouge had to take matters into her own hands and fly back herself. The party was gonna be over soon, and Rouge had to fly as quick as possible to get there before it was too late.

Rouge: Oh, I totally screwed up big time! I need to find my friends and apologize to them! [She flew over to the park where Amy's party was going on. She then saw Amy sadly sitting on a bench]

Espio: Are you okay, Amy?

Amy: Yeah. This party just doesn't feel the same without Rouge here...

Rouge: [Nervously] Uh, hi everyone... [The group turned around to see Rouge smiling and waving at them nervously]

Knuckles: Oh, speak of the devil! [To Rouge] I thought you were busy mingling with your fancy friends back in Silver Valley!

Rouge: [Guilty] Look, I screwed up, I know, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm...

Knuckles: [Interrupts Rouge] Uh, of course you screwed up! You left your friends that you've known for a long time to go and hang out with some strangers that you only met a few days ago!

Tails: [Places a hand on Knuckles' shoulder] Calm down, Knuckles! Lets just let Rouge explain herself before we get mad! [To Rouge] Go ahead and finish what you were saying!

Rouge: [Sighs] I owe you guys an apology... I shoudln't have left you guys for some other guy that was trying to mask his personality... You guys are more than just regular old mobians to me... You guys are my friends, and and feel really bad about hurting my friends... I completely understand if you don't, but do you guys think you can forgive me? [Everyone thought for a moment, and then Amy walked up to Rouge and hugged her]

Amy: Of course I forgive you, Rouge! [Everyone starts talking over each other, saying that they also forgave Rouge and they also all went over to hug her]

Rouge: Aww, I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys! [They all stop hugging each other] Now, how about we get this party started, shall we? [Everyone cheers as they continue the party. We then cut to after the party. Everyone was going home]

Amy: Thanks again for coming to my birthday party, Rouge! You really made this the best birthday ever!

Rouge: That's what friends are for, Amy! Now, I better get back to Silver Valley! [Amy looked at her nervously, making Rouge laugh] Don't worry, Amy, I'm just going there to get my things so I can come back to Station Square! [Amy smiled, glad that Rouge was back to her normal self. We then cut to the next morning. Rouge and Shadow were at the train station with Rouge's things all packed up, waiting for the train back to Station Square]

Shadow: It's good to have you back, Rouge!

Rouge: Yep, and it's good to be back too! I'm definetly never letting someone like Dixon get to me ever again! [She and Shadow then saw Dixon running up to them]

Dixon: Rouge, wait!

Shadow: [Annoyed] Ugh, it's him again! [To Dixon] Listen here, you... [He was stopped by Rouge]

Rouge: Let me handle this, Shadow! [She walked up to Dixon] What brings you here, Dixon?

Dixon: Well, everyone here loved your outfits! So, I was kinda thinking you could stay in Silver Valley and be our top fashion designer! You won't have to pay a cent! I already have a hotel set up for you, and I'll pay for all your designing stuff! So, what do you say?

Rouge: Yeah, I...

Dixon: Fantastic! [He hugs Rouge] Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! [He stops hugging Rouge] You won't regret this decision! Oh, this is gonna make me... uh... I mean you so famous!

Rouge: Uh, actually Dixon, you didn't let me finish!

Dixon: Huh?

Rouge: What I meant to say was "Yeah, I don't think so!"

Dixon: [Shocked] W-what are you talking about!

Rouge: [Angry] Did you really think I was gonna be YOUR top fashion designer after what you did?!

Dixon: Uh, maybe...

Rouge: Well then you're an idiot! [She pushes Dixon to the ground, making Shadow smirk] Never in a million years would I wanna work with you, and once everyone hears about the lying, cheating, and fake scumbag you are, I'm sure many others won't wanna work with you either! [She then saw the train pulling up] Good day to you, Dick-son! [She got her bags and she and Shadow got onto the train]

Dixon: [He took off his hat and screamed into it]

💖The End💖

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