Chapter Four: Rouge Rejects Amy's Party

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Rouge was in her house in Silver Valley packing her stuff. She was stressed out by having to mingle with the fancy mobians in Silver Valley and finishing up Amy's outfit at the same time, so she decided to go back to Station Square so she could get some time to finsih up the outfit for Amy.

Rouge: Get your things packed up and ready, Shadow! We're going back to Station Square!

Shadow: We're leaving this early? I thought you would wanna stay here after meeting Dixon!

Rouge: As much as I would love to stay here forever, I can't! Mingling with all these fancy mobians here is distracting me from finishing Amy's outfit! I need to get back to Station Square to keep myself from getting distracted anymore! Now come on! The train back home is gonna be here in one hour, and I don't wanna miss it! [As Rouge was about to walk out of the house, she saw Dixon on the front porch] Huh, Dixon?

Dixon: Hello, Rouge!

Rouge: What are you doing here? How did you even know where I was?

Dixon: Well, don't think of me as a stalker, but I followed you back to your house!

Shadow: [Coughs] Stalker! [Coughs]

Rouge: Uh, okay...? Well what are you doing here?

Dixon: I came to extend an invitation to you!

Rouge: Invitation?

Dixon: Yep! You see, there's a garden party tomorrow at Silver Valley cliffs, and I wanted to invite you to join us! What do you think? Will you accept my invitation?

Rouge: Oh my! A garden party?! [Dixon nods] Oh Dixon, I would love to!

Shadow: [He cleared his throat, getting Rouge's attention. The white bat turned to the black hedgehog, and Shadow pointed at Rouge's packed up things, reminding her that they had to go back to Station Square]

Rouge: Oh, uh, I'm sorry, Dixon, but I'm afraid I have to get back to Station Square!

Dixon: Wait, you live in Station Square?! I thought you lived in Silver Valley!

Rouge: Oh no! Well, it looks like to cat's out of the bag! [Sighs] Look Dixon, please don't tell anyone that I live in Station Square, and when I leave, just tell them that I'm going on tour!

Dixon: Okay, I won't tell anyone!

Rouge: EEEH!!!! [Hugs Dixon] Thank you, Dixon! You're the best!

Dixon: Oh, actually I didn't finish my sentence!

Rouge: You didn't...?

Dixon: What I was trying to say is that I won't tell anyone IF you come to the garden party tomorrow!

Rouge: Oh I'm terribly sorry, Dixon, but I have to get back to Station Square very soon! The train is gonna be here in one hour, so I'm afraid I won't be able to make it! [As she was about to walk out the door, she was blocked by Dixon, who was smirking at her evilly] Huh?

Dixon: [Evilly] You don't have a choice, Rouge the Bat! You either come to the party, or you don't, and I tell everyone at Silver Valley that you're from Station Square! [Rouge gulped nervously] So what's it gonna be?!

Rouge: Fine! I'll come to the garden party! Just please don't tell anyone I'm from Station Square!

Dixon: That's what I thought! See you tomorrow! [He walked away]

Rouge: [Sighs in relief] That was way too close, don't you think, Shadow!

Shadow: What were you thinking, Rouge?!

Rouge: What are you talking about?

Shadow: You're going to the garden party here tomorrow, and Amy's birthday party is also tomorrow!

Rouge: Well Shadow, it looks like I'm gonna have to just tell her that I can't make it!

Shadow: Wow Rouge! It's like I don't even know you anymore! [They both then heard knocking on the door] That must be Dick-son again! You get it, Rouge! [Rouge rolled her eyes and opened the door, only to see that Amy was standing right in front of her]

Amy: Hi Rouge!

Rouge: Amy?! What are you doing here?!

Amy: Well, I wanted to come and tell you how excited I was for you to come to my party tomorrow! I can hardly wait!

Rouge: Oh, actually Amy, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it tomorrow!

Amy: Why not? Did something come up?

Rouge: Well, I guess you could say that! I met this famous mobin named Dixon the Ferret, and he invited me to this garden party tomorrow, so I won't be able to make it!

Amy: So, you're just going to a garden party over your own best friend's birthday party?!

Rouge: Well maybe if you were on MY level of popularity, you would actually understand why you should choose popularity over friends, so I would like it if you'd leave!

Amy: [Near tears] What happened to you, Rouge...?

Rouge: popularity, that's what happened! You know what, maybe I shouldn't evn be your friend anymore! You're just distracting me from my path to becoming popular! NOW LEAVE!!!!! [Amy cried as she ran away]

Shadow: Wow Rouge, just wow!

Rouge: It had to be done, Shadow! I'm sure you understand!

Shadow: I don't understand! You're letting this popularity get to your head, Rouge!

Rouge: Well maybe I just wanna be popular now instead of having friends! Now if you would excuse me, I have some unpacking to do and a garden party to get ready for! [Rouge walked away from Shadow and went over to her bags and started unpacking them]

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