Chapter Five: Rouge Confronts Dixon

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It was the next day, and Rouge was in her house getting ready for the garden party at Silver Valley cliffs. She was wearing a purple dress, dark gray open-toed knee-high shoe, two pink flower clips in her hair, and a silver butterfly clip on her dress. For makeup, she made her eye shadow a darker shade of blue and she changed her lipstick from hot pink to dark purple.

 For makeup, she made her eye shadow a darker shade of blue and she changed her lipstick from hot pink to dark purple

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Rouge: Well Shadow, how do I look?! [She shows Shadow her outfit]

Shadow: [Sighs] I cannot believe you're doing this!

Rouge: Whatever do you mean?

Shadow: You're going to a party that's being hosted by some ferret that you only knew for a couple of days over going to a party that's being hosted by your friend that you've known for years!

Rouge: Amy's birthday will come next year! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Shadow! I might never get an opportunity like this again! At least I'll have you going with me!

Shadow: [Laughs coldly] Why would I wanna go anywhere with you anymore when you're literally acting like someone who thinks they're better than everyone! You can go to the garden party if you want, but I'm going to Amy's party!

Rouge: You know what, FINE!!!!! I don't need you to have a good time! I'm gonna go enjoy myself at the garden party and I'm gonna love it! You have fun at Amy's stupid party, Shadow! [She walked out of the house, slamming the door behind her, leaving Shadow in a state of shock]

Shadow: This isn't like you, Rouge the Bat... What happened to you...? [We then cut to Rouge at the garden party. She was greeted by Dixon]

Rouge: Why hello there, Dixon! [She curtseys]

Dixon: Rouge! I'm so glad you could make it! [He kisses Rouge's hand]

Rouge: I wouldn't have missed this garden party for the world!

Dixon: Well I'm glad you could make it! Well, I'll be chatting with Jack and Camela over there if you need me! [Points to Jack and Camela] You should go try the hors d'oeuvres! [He walks over to Jack and Camela and Rouge walks over to the snack table and tries the hors d'oeuvres] 

Rouge: These look pretty good! I suppose this is what fancy mobians eat! [She eats the hors d'oeuvres, but then spits it out due to it tasting disgusting] Ugh, yuck! Maybe I really am not used to the fancy life after all! [She then saw Dixon, Jack, and Camela talking] Maybe I can try to talk to them! [She goes over to Dixon, Jack, and Camela, only to hear them talking about her friends]

Dixon: Do you guys know who Team Forces is?

Jack: Yeah! Man, is their taste in fashion utterly ugly or what?! [Rouge gasps after hearing them talking bad about her friends]

Camela: I know right? Especially the red echidna! He really needs to take better care of his fur!

Jack: And that two-tailed fox! I mean, why does he have two tails anyway?! I mean, come on! He obviously isn't normal!

Camela: And that sweaty green crocodile! Those headphones of his are soooo tacky, and that gold chain makes him look like a pimp!

Jack: And that bee looks like a little baby! That helmet, those goggles, and those vest! Give me a break!

Camela: What the white hedgehog is wearing may be popular in the future, but he needs to stay in this time period!

Jack: And what the purple chameleon was wearing makes him look like a total emo!

Dixon: And who can forget about that pink hedgehog?! That red dres, boots, and headband she wears doesn't make her look cute! It just makes her look ugly! [Dixon, Jack, and Camela laugh cruelly]

Rouge: They're talking badly about my friends! I can't let them do that! [She walked over to the three] You three should be ashamed of yourselves!

Dixon: Whatever are you talking about, Rouge?

Rouge: [Angry] You know what I'm talking about! All you guys do is go around and talk badly about how other mobians look! Oh, and by the way, those mobians you guys were just talking about are my friends!

Dixon: Your what?!

Rouge: [Angry] Yeah, my friends that I need to go apologize to!

Dixon: But Rouge, you'll miss the garden party!

Rouge: [Angry] I don't care about the stupid garden party!

Camela: But everyone in Silver Valley loves garden parties!

Rouge: [Angry] Well I'm not from Silver Valley! [All the fancy mobians gapsed at this news] Yeah, you heard me loud and clear! I'm from Station Square, and I love it there! Now if you would excuse me, I need to go apologize to my friends! And not the "fancy" friends, but my real friends! Good day to you all! [She walked away, leaving Dixon, Jack, and Camela in a state of shock]

Fancy Mobian: [To Dixon] You invited someone from Station Square to our fancy garden party!

Dixon: [Nervously] P-please everyone, I can explain! I didn't even know she was from Station Square!

Fancy Mobian: [To Dixon] Oh save it! We're leaving! [All the mobians leave, including Jack and Camela]

Dixon: Jack, Camela, you too?!

Jack: Sorry Dixon, but we simply can not be around someone who invited a mobian from Station Square to a garden party!

Camela: No hard feelings! I'm sure you understand! [They both start walking away from Dixon]

Dixon: Wait! Come back! You guys are the only friends I have left! [He stood there and watched Jack and Camela walk away into the sunset]

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