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The siblings and Adriana drove Allison to the house.

The boys started panicking and arguing.

"Enough!" Adriana yelled as her accent slipped through. "One at a time! Please."

Five cried, "Come on! Let's go!"

Luther's voice took on a panicked tone. "I don't think she's breathing."

Klaus was their voice of reason. "If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die."

Diego and Luther carried Allison inside. Adriana ran ahead of them and found Grace and Pogo and said, "Grace, Pogo, we need help! Allison is badly injured!"

Grace and Pogo got everything ready and the boys brought Allison in and laid her on a gurney. Grace put pressure on Allison's wound to stop the bleeding.

She looked at the adults surrounding their sister. "She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood."

"I will." they chorused.

Luther said, "I'm doing it."

Pogo shook his head. "I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine."

Klaus lifted an arm slightly. "Hey, don't sweat it. I--I got this, big guy. I love needles." He slapped his arm for effect.

Pogo spoke up once again. "Master Klaus. Your blood is...how shall I say this? Too polluted."

Diego frowned slightly. "Move. I'll do it."

Grace held up the needle and Diego fell to the ground. Pogo glanced down at Diego. "Stick him."

The needle entered Diego's skin and the transfusion began.


While the group waited for the transfusion to finish, Adriana followed Klaus upstairs, as his behavior was concerning her. Instantly, he started going through his stuff desperately.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for drugs," Klaus answered.

"Don't do it."

Klaus narrowed his eyes. "I'm done listening to you! Just go away. You too, Ana. Go away, please."

"I like the sober you."

Klaus ripped open an old stuffed animal. "Yeah, well, sobriety's overrated."

"Look where it's gotten you, though."

"Well, where has it gotten me? Where has it gotten me? Nowhere. I can't talk to the person I love. People, excluding Adriana it seems, still don't take me seriously. I wanna be numb again."

"You're a colossal wimp."

Adriana let out a small sigh. "You are better than this, Klaus."

He sighed and looked down at her. "Am I?" He then turned back to Ben. "Oh, yeah, really?"

"Yeah, really! Hey!" Ben's paused and continued. "Life isn't supposed to be easy. Life is hard. Bad things happen. Good people die."

Klaus scoffed. "Wow, playing the dead card again, huh? You need new material, bro."

"I was talking about Dave. You know, I'm tired of seeing you wallow in self-defeat."

"Well, then avert your gaze. Got anything to say, Ana?"

Adriana crossed her arms. "Well, sobriety good and that you're ruining your life."

"You're better than that. And Dave? He knew it too."

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