08. Unexpected visitors

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"Aparna! Up and at 'em, you fucking sleepyhead! It's your big day!" Antara's enthusiastic voice shattered my dreams of a promotion and blissful retirement. I burrowed deeper under the covers, contemplating the merits of accidentally falling out a window. Not really, of course. Who would make my breakfast?

The sound of splashing water brought me back to reality. Nadia stood there, a mischievous glint in her eyes and an empty glass in her hand. "Engagement day, remember? Show some excitement!"

With a groan that would make a zombie proud, I finally emerged from my cocoon. The ice water helped a bit, though it didn't exactly spark engagement joy. After my usual morning routine, I joined them on the couch, watching them flit around the apartment like hyperactive butterflies.

They were more excited than I was, that was for sure. We devoured breakfast, then they launched a full-on fashion assault, draping a gorgeous silver-blue lehenga over me. It fit like a dream, and the color looked amazing against my skin.

As I sat patiently while Nadia styled my hair, a wave of déjà vu washed over me. Memories of my engagement to Mohit surfaced – the saree, the sherwani, the carnations – all painfully clear. Nadia chased away the unwanted thoughts with a flourish, revealing a sleek bun with perfectly framed strands.

Antara, meanwhile, was on a mission to beautify my nails and makeup. After much playful resistance, I surrendered to their ministrations. As they worked their magic, I couldn't help but think about how similar this felt to my first engagement.

Suddenly, Nadia snapped her fingers, urging me to open my eyes. Wow. Just wow. The lehenga hugged my curves perfectly, the makeup was flawless, and the jewelry complemented everything beautifully. I looked like a million bucks, ready to take on the world.

With a few hours to spare before the ceremony, I finished some work while the others prepped themselves. They looked stunning in their lavender and pastel pink lehengas, and the excitement was practically radiating off them.

Mamu and Mami, initially hesitant about my decision, had finally come around. They were on their way directly to the venue, their house being closer to it than mine.

Finally, the moment arrived, and we were off to the Oberoi mansion. The sight that greeted me took my breath away. The place was a fairyland of pink flowers and golden lights, pure opulence on display. I gaped openly for a moment before schooling my expression.

Mr. Oberoi had explained the media frenzy – a necessary evil considering his celebrity status. We were ushered inside by Mrs. Oberoi, her warm smile and infectious energy instantly putting me at ease. She looked radiant in a pink saree that perfectly complemented her complexion.

"Beta, you look absolutely ethereal! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" she exclaimed, applying a touch of kajal behind my ear and showering me with affection. She then whisked us away to a room where Vartika, resplendent in a pastel green lehenga, was entertaining Megh.

Megh, the adorable little menace, stole the show. Every night, our ritual was a call before bed, ending with his sweet "I wuvs you" and my reciprocating "Love you too." Today, he was a vision in a sky blue sherwani, his dark hair neatly styled.

The little guy's face lit up when he saw me, and he launched himself into a hug. His laughter filled the room as we chatted and played, the tension of the day momentarily forgotten. Suddenly, a voice cut through the happy chatter, sending a jolt through me.

"Hello, dear daughter."

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